Monterey Memories

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July 4th 6:14 AM

Mettaton was peaking through the door to May's bedroom. He liked hearing her adorable sleep talk. "Hey look, baby fishies. So cute," she was dreaming about the aquarium. And how fitting. They were going to spend their 4th of July in Monterey. He walked in, lifted May out of her bed, and set her down in the wheelchair, careful not to wake her up in the process. "Hello little hermit crabs," More sleep talk. He brought her into the kitchen and to her usual spot at the table. (Middle left, facing away from the counter) "Morning," Jimena whispered as she set the potatoes on the counter. Mettaton was still not used to seeing all the scars on her face.

(Pause story)

Jimena had spent 2 years of her life in a mansion with an evil, abusive mistress, whose name she thought wasn't worth knowing. If she didn't do what the mistress wanted "correctly", she would be slashed by a whip as punishment. As a result, her body was covered in scars. Back in January, she exacted her revenge by revealing what the mistress had done and She Who Must Never Be Named was thrown behind bars. However, she kept hiding the scars on her face with powder foundation until 2 weeks ago.

(Resume story)

"Aaaaand cue the skeleton," Jimena called out right before the doorbell rang. After she left to answer, Mettaton noticed May's eyes were just ever so slightly open. He lifted her head up. "Good morning my little firework," May tried to stay asleep. Since her fall, she didn't want to wake up with casts, so she didn't want to wake up at all. Of course, Mettaton didn't let that happen, even though her sleep talk was super cute. "Aw, you don't want to miss the 4th of July, do you?" That got her going. "Fourth of July?" she squealed excitedly. "The day you asked me to be your girlfriend last year? I loved it! Picnic at night on the hill, such an amazing view, a plate of fruit spelling out 'will you be my darling?'" she smiled. "And your answer, spelled out in fireworks 'of course I will', followed by a dog pile and some great music," Mettaton added. "What are we doing to celebrate today?" May asked. "We're off to Monterey, my darling," Mettaton answered. May was so excited she had no words to respond with.

7:23 PM

"Oh my gosh, look! There's a little otter, it's so cute!" May exclaimed as she pointed out the window. They had left the aquarium and were now waiting for their food at Bubba Gump's. "I love this place, the view is amazing, the food's great, the service is good," May curled herself up, "It's just so cold," Mettaton looked out the window and saw more otters. "Looks like the otter brought his friends," he chimed in, trying to distract May from her shivering. "Really?" May looked and saw the cute otters swimming together, there was even a mother and her little baby! "Aw, they're so adorable," she quietly squealed. All of a sudden, her chills had just, vanished.  She turned to face forward and saw Mettaton holding her good wrist. He was NOT about to let his little firework freeze to death, so he used magic to generate heat and warm up her soul. 

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