Your Skin is Cooked

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April 19th, 2:19 PM

Mettaton was sitting on the couch in the living room when May walked in. Her skin was very red and he could tell she was in pain. "May, what happened?" He knew better than to touch her, as her skin looked like it was horribly burnt. "I decided to do some sunbathing. But I accidentally put cooking oil on my skin instead of sunscreen and this happened," She tried to join him on the couch. "ow...ow...ow," she could hardly move or touch anything, and flopping onto the couch just made it worse. Mettaton didn't know what to do. For the first time ever, hugs and cuddles wouldn't help! He racked his brain for a solution. Aloe! April was growing some aloe plants in her garden! Perfect! "I'll be right back," Mettaton returned with a handful of aloe leaves. May cried in pain as he began rubbing the leaves on her sunburnt skin. "I know it hurts, but this will help you get better," Mettaton wanted to wipe the tears off her face, but he couldn't touch it without hurting her more. "My poor baby, why must you be so accident prone?" He knew it wasn't her fault but still, he just wanted a happy, healthy May. Was that too much to ask?

2:43 PM

May had been treated with lotion and a bath with special sunburn relieving elixirs. They seemed to work like magic! Sure, her skin was still red, but she could move and touch things now. She walked downstairs into the living room, having a robot to cuddle with.

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