Getting Even

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12:49 PM

May just returned from physical therapy and was now looking for a movie to watch. "Ant-man. Perfect!" she thought as she threw in the disk and left the previews playing while she grabbed her sketchbook and some stuffed animals to watch it with.

1:02 PM

May heard a knock on the door and this time she checked before she answered. It was Mettaton. "Oh hey! You're just in time. Scott's trying on the suit," May turned around and started hopping back to the couch. "And what are you doing without your crutches, miss?" May gave him the look. "I'm not even walking on this leg, plus the couch is literally right there!" she pointed.  Mettaton didn't even reply. He just grabbed May and pulled her close, so she was standing right in front of him, facing away. He wrapped his arms around her waist and flopped right onto the couch. May pulled her hair out of his face. "Sorry," Mettaton forgave her. They kept watching together as Scott was riding Ant-thony. "This is such a good movie," Mettaton stated. "Yeah. The sequel was good too, but that ending was terrible," May replied. "But the ant playing the drums, can I get a 10-minute loop of that?" she added. 

1:23 PM

"This guy! I don't remember his name, but he's awesome!" May admired his extreme attention to details, and the way he explained things. "Reminds me of Alphys," Mettaton added. His voice sounded a bit distorted. May knew that he was really a ghost and the "robot" was just a vessel, but for some strange reason, he still needed batteries. She searched for a cable plugin and found one on the side of his neck. "Hey, this uses the same cable as my phone," she thought as she stood up and tried to lift Mettaton off the couch, as he didn't have enough battery to stand up. By the time she finally managed to do it, his battery was at 0. "Well, now the hard part's over," she thought as she began hopping over to her room. She opened the door, placed him on her bed, and plugged him in. May didn't want to finish the movie without him, so she pulled out her tablet and started playing Tetris.

1:58 PM

May had reached level 5 and the blocks were stacking pretty high. She managed to clear 2 more lines before the game ended. She was going to hit the play again button when she saw Mettaton move. She removed the cable, and he woke up. At first, he wasn't sure what he was doing in May's bed, but then he recalled what happened. "May darling, please forgive me for being so irresponsible and forgetting to charge before I came here," he hugged her tight. "Just returning the favor," May replied. They went back into the living room to finish the movie. May felt nice, having helped Mettaton for once.

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