Staying Home Sick

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6:02 AM

May made herself a cup of coffee and walked to the front door. She reached for the knob, then felt a hand on her shoulder. May turned around to see Mettaton who noticed something a bit, off. She looked so, pale. He felt her forehead. "You, are going back to bed and getting some rest," He guided her over to his bedroom. "But, we have work today," May protested. "Oh no, you're way too sick to be working right now," Mettaton tucked her in. He didn't mind having her in his bed. He hardly even used it (because he was usually at the condo) and even if he did, neither he nor his cousin could even get sick. He took away her coffee (because caffeine while sick is a bad idea) having absolutely no clue what to do with it. Maybe he would just save it for when she felt better. Now, there was something else May had. "Give me the gum," May spit it into his hand. He threw the gum away then left to grab something.

6:04 AM

Mettaton returned to find poor little May in a coughing fit. He gave her a cup of water. "Hopefully, she won't notice--" His thoughts were interrupted when May spit it out with a disgusted look on her face. "What's in this?" Mettaton knew that if May was refusing food, she would never take medicine, so he tried slipping some in a cup of water. Speaking of food, she must be starving. He walked into the kitchen to make breakfast.

6:37 AM

Mettaton set up a food tray next to the bed. "How about we play a little game," May nodded. "Okay. The game is called: Paging Dr. Squishy," Mettaton pulled out Squishy, who was dressed like a little doctor. May gulped. "Dr. Squishy?" "Aw, don't be afraid. He's a nice doctor, specifically trained in working with adorable patients like you," He then adjusted May's position so she was more upright, but still laying down. "However, we can't treat a patient with a rumbly belly, so let's fix that," Mettaton held out a fork with hash browns. After a bit of hesitation, May took a bite. Nom. Nom, nom. Nom. Everything on the plate disappeared. "Alright. Treatment part 1: lots and lots of sleep. If you need anything, ring the bell," Mettaton pointed to the little silver bell on the nightstand. May nodded and dozed off.

6:54 AM

Mettaton heard the little bell's song and walked in to check on May, who had tears streaming down her face. She looked up and ran right into his arms, crying. "You died. I saw you get ripped into a million pieces!" she kept crying. "If an old man in a bar with a snake tattoo on his hand ever asks you to look for his watch, please say no!" May was tucked back into bed, where she told him everything about the nightmare she just had. "Sounds like Sans is the one to blame. Going to that bar was his idea," Now May was upset. "The next time I see that couch potato, I will kill him!" she shouted as she sat up and climbed out of bed. Mettaton grabbed her and tucked her back in. "Why did I say that?" he thought. "Hey, you can't be mad at someone for something they didn't actually do," May rolled her eyes. "You can if it led to a loved one's death, even if it was a dream," Mettaton wiped away her tears.

8:16 AM

Mettaton checked on May again. She still looked so pale, and her fever wasn't going down. He was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but he had to give her some medicine. The stuff that nobody likes. Or maybe he could try the water again. Yes, the water. And since May was half asleep, this would work better than last time. She took a sip. It was really disgusting, but May was so thirsty, she drank it anyway. "Wait, what did you say this potion does?" Sleep talk. "Wings for 12 hours? Interesting," She was definitely dreaming about some sort of magic.

8:57 AM

May rang the bell. When Mettaton walked in, she broke into a coughing fit. He placed his hand on her forehead. Her fever had gone down, slightly anyway. He then looked around for a bit before finding an empty tissue box. So that's what she rang the bell for. She sat up and sneezed. She then began to climb out of bed. "Thanks for the service, but I am 3 hours late for work. I should get going," Mettaton wrapped his arms around her, laid her back down, and bundled her up. "I already told you. No work today because you're too sick. And there won't be any work until you're feeling better. For now, you need your rest," May placed her hand on his shoulder and sniffled. "I know, I know, it's not fun to lay in bed all day," more sniffles. Poor May, she looked so miserable and helpless. Hm... What could he do to cheer her up?

9:24 AM

Mettaton opened the door to see how May was doing. Her fever had dropped a little since the last time he checked. "tEm N0 hUnGs! TeM hAd L0t TeM fLaKeS iN m0RnInG!" Even when she was sick, May still had the cutest sleep talk! "Sweet dreams, darling," Mettaton left a small box on the nightstand for her to find when she woke up.

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