Hard Goodbyes

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April 4th, 3:21 PM

Mettaton didn't want to risk running into May, but he had to come to the condo to pick up a few things, including his car keys. This was an opportunity, and the other squad members were going to take it. "What? I swear they were here just a second ago," he was probably being messed with. Another reason to miss May, without her, Mettaton would lose his head if it weren't attached to his neck! May knew this, and where his keys went. She was holding them in her hands, planning. "Walk up to him, give him the keys, tell him 'I thought long and hard about it, and I want us to get back together, please?' No, 'if you're fine with that' oh forget it! I'll just gently toss them to him from here," She thought. "1...2...," Mettaton saw the keys fly towards him before one of his eyes stopped working. "F**k! He's gonna see me and think I did that on purpose!" Ashamed of what she had done, May turned and began walking upstairs. "Margaret, no, come here," the fluff ball ran into the kitchen. May followed. "Margaret, come here," The dog obediently walked over and jumped into her arms. "May," April was standing there with her arms crossed. May knew she was in trouble. "I'm sorry I know you said I couldn't, but I-" April cut her off. "Why do you think I said no? Cause I like being mean?" May tilted her head as she replied "Yes?" April had to use all of her willpower to not roll her eyes. "No May, it's because time and time again you prove that you're not mature or responsible enough to take care of a dog!" May looked down trying not to cry. April continued not able to hold back anymore. "Take this little stunt for example, what were you going to do May? Keep this poor dog in your tiny bedroom forever? They need a backyard, a place to run, and go to the bathroom." May held the puppy tight but was careful of her strength. "Okay fine, I'm sorry," she turned to go out the front door, tears falling from her eyes as she yelled "I'm sorry for having a heart!" on the way out.

3:29 PM

May was sitting on a grassy hill in the field. "Rumcake, Beer, Vodka, meet Margarita, you can call her Margaret," The street dogs accepted their new friend. May picked up a stick. "Fetch!" She threw it real far and watched them all follow after.

3:38 PM

May didn't need to look up to see who just sat down next to her. Mettaton tried not to look at May. It hurt too much to see her this upset and knowing he's at least partially at fault. Not to mention only one of his eyes was working. A fact he wasn't going to bring up. "Mettaton, I don't want to talk to you." It was so hard not to wrap his arms around her. "I know, but maybe you just listen." May rested her chin on her knees looking off into the distance. "May, your heart was in a good place and I know you had the best of intentions but...April made some good points. You got uh..." May tried not to smile. "Her name is Margaret, short for Margarita." Mettaton tried not to laugh but a small chuckle came out. May tilted her head towards him just a little bit. "Yea! Margaret. You got her because you were hurting and you needed a friend. But think about what she needs." May looked down, her forehead on her knees now, Mettaton saw her take a deep breath. "I know...I was complaining to Ari and Ethan about how April wants me to give her back and they said they want her." Mettaton put his hand on her back "May! That's great news, I'm proud of you!" May looked up shocked at what he said. And that's when she saw the big white bandage covering his now badly damaged right eye. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to throw the keys so hard!" Before Mettaton could respond, the dogs came back, and little Margaret had the stick. May couldn't help but pet her and coo. "Fetch!" she threw the stick as far as she possibly could so she and Mettaton had the longest possible talk time.

3:54 PM

May was standing on the front porch, waving. "Bye! I'll come and visit!" She tried her hardest not to shed any tears as she watched her friends walk away with the white fluff ball. Once they were out of sight, May turned around to face April and Mettaton. "May, I know that was a hard thing for you to do, but it was for the best," She completely ignored this note and went back inside. She sat down on the couch and crossed her arms with a pout. "Hey," she turned to see April and Mettaton. "I know you're upset about the dog, but...we found a stray Mettaton," He just turned and looked at her before replying "Woof," which made both girls giggle. He then joined May on the couch. "Can I keep him?" May quietly asked. "He's all yours," April then left to give them a little time alone. May snuggled up close to Mettaton. "I'm sorry for everything I did! I'm sorry for being so troublesome, I'm sorry I pushed you away, I'm sorry I broke your eye, I'm sorry I ripped your arm off, I'm sorry I wasted so much of your time, I'm sorry you ever had to waste money on me, I'm sorry I act like such a child!" Mettaton wrapped his arms around her. "May, you don't have to apologize for any of that, I know you didn't mean to do all those things," He began wiping away her tears. "So, does this mean we can get back together?" May asked. "Yes, darling, we can," hearing that, May felt the shattered pieces of her heart mend back together. "I love you," She gave Mettaton a tight hug to show him that.

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