I Still Love You

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5:24 PM

May found herself standing in front of Mettaton. In her left hand, there was a partially eaten apple. So that's what the big chunk in her mouth was. When she noticed what was in her right hand, she dropped it on the floor, letting out a shriek. She set the apple down on the counter and saw Mettaton against the wall, with only one arm! Tears filled her eyes as May put all the pieces together. She had tried to kill him! She picked up the apple and ran off. Mettaton heard her sobs coming from inside the piano. He opened it with the arm he still had. "How do you still give a damn about me after I f*****g ripped your arm off?!" Mettaton stroked her arm. "It's okay, you didn't know what you were doing, and it's no biggie. Alphys can just give me another one," Another look at what she'd done, and May climbed out of the piano, dashed upstairs and locked herself in her room. Mettaton knocked on her door. "Go away! I'm too dangerous! Let me starve, let me suffocate, let me rot," Mettaton knew she would leave eventually, he just had to wait. In the meantime, he had an arm to fix.

6:03 PM

"Seriously?! I just ate an hour and 42 minutes ago!" May thought as her stomach growled. She had starved at the mall earlier and ate quite a bit of food after that. There was no way she could be hungry again! Plus, even if she was, she would have to leave her room to get food, but she couldn't leave and risk putting everyone in danger! Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knock on the door. "May, dinner's ready," "I don't deserve food!" Her stomach let out a loud and low rumble. "Alright, have fun in there. All alone, with a rumbly belly, and art supplies you're almost out of," May burst through the door and began running downstairs before turning around and giving Mettaton a kiss on the cheek, an apology for trying to kill him. She then walked back downstairs to see bowls of spaghetti on the table. "Kill," she whispered as her eyes rolled up into her head. April had made a prediction that the main target would be the person or object that triggered the episode. Lucky for everyone, that was the spaghetti, the sauce of which would make things go back to normal. "Must kill," May whispered as she snatched the spaghetti and dipped her finger into the sauce. As her fangs became normal teeth, she found herself in the living room and slid her finger out of her mouth. She saw Mettaton at the bottom of the stairs, with a bandage around one of his shoulders. A painful reminder about what she had done. She walked up to him with a guilty look on her face. As she hugged him, she wrapped one arm around his back and placed the hand of it on his shoulder, causing him to groan in pain. She moved her hand, giving him a sad look. "I'm sorry I did that," her eyes filled up with tears as Mettaton pulled her close with his other arm. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault," May couldn't believe it. He was in pain, pain that she had caused him, yet she was still his only concern! How?! Mettaton could tell that May was still upset about this. "May, it concerns me that you really don't understand how you could mean so much to me." He wrapped May up in a warm hug and he could feel her start to relax. He tickled her sides a bit and her giggle made him smile. "Plus, you forget you shouldn't be held responsible for your actions right now, because of this stupid 'phase' you're going through!" That part made May laugh even more. "What do you think we should call this anyway?" she asked. "Oh, I got it! Eripmav! Vampire backwards!" Mettaton nodded in approval.

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