Dial M For May

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January 19th, 6:34 AM

"Where the hell is it?! I swear I left it right here!" May was throwing everything everywhere, searching every nook and cranny. "How did this even happen?! I always know exactly where everything is!" Mettaton walked in and saw May had trashed the living room. She noticed his presence. "Hey, have you seen my laptop? I can't find it anywhere!" "Well, where did you last leave it?" he asked. "Right there! It was right there!" she pointed to the arm of the couch. "I set it right there so I could watch some videos on Aidem, then I walked into the bedroom to grab my headphones. When I came back, it was gone! I've searched every square inch of this house at least twice for it! It couldn't have just disappeared into thin air!" Mettaton just froze.

6:39 AM

May had given up her search and decided to listen to some music, only to find "Damnit! Now my headphones are missing!" Another incredibly thorough and efficient, but fruitless search of the house. She screamed into a pillow out of frustration. "Guess I could draw--are you kidding me?!?!" she internally screamed before another extra thorough search, yelling about how everything was disappearing. Now Mettaton was getting concerned. That was a lot of cursing even for May! When he walked into the living room, he saw May curled up on the couch with Squishy. "Maybe you can sniff out the whereabouts of all the things that vanished. Can you do that for me Squishy boy?" She turned her head to see the mess she made while searching. "Damn, I really need to clean this up--Squishy?" She turned her head back to find she was empty-handed. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Her eyes began to fill up with tears. She had enough and stood up. "That's it! That's the last straw! You can take my laptop, my headphones, or my sketchbook, but nobody can take Squishy and get away with it! Nobody! NOBODY!" 

6:42 AM

May was wearing a black cardigan, pink shades with purple jewels, a black headband with pearls (the same one she wore on her last date), an aquamarine plaid strapless crop top, pink yoga pants, and black leather knee-high heeled boots. There was no way that stuff could just vanish, and she never lost things, so someone was taking those items. Suspect #1: Mettaton EX Thomas (One day, one day) She walked into the living room and saw Mettaton walk in through the front door. But it was raining outside, a robot couldn't walk in the rain! He would short out! Very, very suspicious! May killed the lights, held Mettaton against the wall, and shined a flashlight in his face. "What were you doing outside in the rain? You told me walking in rain would short you out!" She heard a bang from outside. "Not now Mother Nature, I'm in the middle of an interrogation!" Mettaton tried not to laugh. Not only was she throwing her fear aside to solve this mystery, but the thought of her as a detective was just, just, well he didn't know how to describe it, but she was never going to break him! Even if he was being crushed and blinded. "Tell me! What were you doing outside? And how you were able to walk in the rain without shorting out?" May tried to get up to his level, not very successful. Despite the tone of voice she was using, and the position she was in, she wasn't in any way threatening to Mettaton. 

6:43 AM

"So you won't talk? Fine! I didn't want to have to do this," May had one last trick up her sleeve. She took off her shades and rolled her eyes up into her head, adding an evil smile to create a scary image on her face. Unfortunately for her, this didn't break him. What happened instead, was that she couldn't help but giggle at Mettaton's reaction. She couldn't see it, but she could hear him let out a high pitched yelp! That was priceless! She actually spooked him! Now, to get back to this interrogation. Wait, that was her last move! She had no more cards left! "I have played all my tricks, and what for? I've tried everything yet still, I never got one ounce of information from this, and I am no closer, to solving this mystery," May could feel tears filling up her eyes. All of her stuff had gone missing, and despite her greatest efforts, she couldn't find out why! She flopped onto the couch. "I'm a horrible detective!" Seeing May so upset, Mettaton had enough. "I can't take it! I'll talk, I'll talk!" He walked over to the couch and held up May's little head. "I'm sorry May! I was the one who took all your stuff! I was outside in the rain carrying that stuff out to the car! It was just supposed to be a little joke!" He pulled May into a hug. May smiled. "Mystery solved. Wait a minute! How were you outside if it was raining? Do you still have some time before you short out? Are you gonna be okay? Please, I don't want you to die!" she was overreacting a bit. "May, I'm not gonna die. I was wearing a raincoat while I was out there! I'll be alright," May snuggled up close to him. A flash from outside and she realized something. "When you came back inside, I didn't see you wearing a coat! An explanation, now!" "What are you talking about? I'm wearing a coat, see?" He took off a clear sleeve. "Quit tricking me!" May playfully punched him in the shoulder. Mettaton flew back in a dramatic fashion, grabbing his shoulder and yelled in pain. May instantly regretted her actions and fell to her knees next to him. "Mettaton! Oh my god, I am so sorry! Will you ever forgive me?" He looked up at her through his hair with a huge grin on his face, "Got you!" he tackled her to the ground. Through giggles, May said "That was so not fair! Don't trick me like that!" Mettaton stopped tickling her. "Well if you think that's unfair, then wait till you realize the real reason I stole all of your things." May was more confused than ever and just stared at Mettaton. "Have you not noticed what has been going on outside throughout your little interrogation?...You got through a whole thunderstorm May, totally unphased! I'm so proud of you." May didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this new news. She just hugged him, so grateful. 

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