Bad First Impressions

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11:26 AM

The squad had learned the basics of the school and were now in 4th period. As of now, the teachers just passed out forms so they could get to know the class. May had finished filling out hers and looked around reading the few posters on the wall. "This room could use some decoration," she thought as she read the school's main schedule. It started at 7:25 and ended at 2:15. 6 hours and 50 minutes. So far, the day wasn't so bad. The teachers were very nice, especially Toriel. Right now, May was in Spanish class, next to April so she could have an edge. She really liked Ms. Ochoa, but she did not want to pick a favorite teacher. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard thunder outside. April recognized the situation. "You know what our parents told you about thunder isn't true right?" she whispered. "Well I didn't know whether to believe them or not back then and I was 6. Do you know how traumatizing that is to a little kid?" May whispered back. Lightning and she hid under her desk. "Everything okay chicas?" Ms. Ochoa was standing in front of their table. April began whispering something into her ear. May tried listening in, but April was using Spanish. She climbed back into her chair. 

2:18 PM

May walked up to Mettaton. They got into the car and the ride home was silent. It wasn't until they got home that Mettaton realized something was wrong. He didn't even have to ask. May just ran into his arms, tears falling. "The first half wasn't so bad, but there was a thunderstorm during 4th period. I panicked and I was made fun of for it the rest of the day!" Unbelievable! The first day and she was already getting bullied? Not cool! "Aw, May, I'm so sorry that happened," she kept crying. "It's your fault, you're the one who made me go there," "Hey if there's anything I learned at school, it's that pointing fingers solves nothing. Playing the Blame Game will get you nowhere,"  He held her tight and gave her a little pep talk about bullies and what to do about them. "...and even if you feel like you are, just know that you're not alone," he concluded. Now, to cheer her up... "Tell you what, I'll take you out to dinner and later we can watch a movie," May nodded and gave him a hug, trying her best not to crush him, before walking off to get ready. Mettaton looked forward to seeing how May would dress herself up. He also kind of looked forward to when she learned how to control her strength because that hug definitely would've broken his spine if he had one. Oh well, she couldn't really be blamed though.

5:21 PM

May walked into the living room with a black cutout sleeve dress decorated with blue waves, like an underwater current, carrying pearls with it. Along with the dress, she had a black fabric headband, also decorated with pearls; a thick collar necklace, covered in pearls; long pearl chain earrings that touched her shoulders and black 7" platform wedges covered in more pearls and topped with black bows. For makeup, she had black eyeshadow, which she had attempted to decorate with pearls; ocean blue lipstick; false lashes; and a chain of pearls under each eye, the smallest ones at the ends being actual pearls, the rest painted. Mettaton adjusted his jacket and walked in, staring at May in awe. All those pearls made her look like a mermaid. Just one problem, that dress was way too mature for her, but he didn't want to tell her because she looked so beautiful! When she saw him, her cheeks turned red. He was so handsome in that tuxedo! That blush faded when some of the pearls from her dress, heels, headband, and necklace all fell off, scattering all over the rug and hardwood floor. "Damnit! It took me an hour to get those to stay in place!" she got down on her knees and began picking them all up in frustration. Mettaton crouched down, and began to help her pick up all the pearls. "It's okay, you still have most of your pearls, and you still look absolutely beautiful darling," they gathered the rest of the pearls that fell on the floor. "Here, I'll take those," May gave him a "What are you gonna do with them?" look. "Don't worry, I won't let them go to waste," May handed him the pearls she collected, he then stood up and carried the pearls into his room.

5:43 PM

Mettaton walked back into the living room with pearls on the folds of his jacket and his bowtie. "There, now we match," He took May's hand and they walked to the car. 

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