The Last Binge...Probably...Don't Count on It

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January 5th, 5:48 PM

April heard the doorbell ring. She peeked through the window, then answered. "Thank you," she exclaimed as she was handed 3 large boxes. She set them down on the coffee table, lay down on the couch, flipped on the TV, and opened the first box. The circular Hawaiian meal smelt so delicious. April licked her lips as she picked up the triangular slice of one of the world's most famous foods: pizza. She took a bite, yummy! So yummy in fact, she finished the first box in just a matter of time. Now, onto the second box, with the same dish as the first. Slice #6/8, finished. She grabbed the next slice, managing to get a few bites. "Must, finish, slice," she thought, but she was so full, and so sleepy. "Or, I'll finish when I wake up," maybe it was better if she just took a little nap, allowing everything in her stomach to actually digest. 

5:54 PM

April opened her eyes to find herself laying sideways on the couch, with a box holding 1 pizza slice, on top of her. Unaware that she had only slept for 6 minutes, she finished the half-eaten slice hanging from her dangling hand, the one inside the box disappearing with it, believing her stomach had room for them now. That was a mistake. She felt fine when she woke up, but now things weren't sitting very well. She knew better than to even touch that 3rd box on the coffee table, no matter how badly she wanted it. Apparently, she hadn't learned anything from her pasta binge, or her breakfast binge. Hopefully, she would learn from this pizza binge. As she was still tired, she allowed her eyelids to fall, entering a slumber.

6:21 PM

April awoke to a lot of pain in her stomach. Nothing was sitting well! "That's it! As soon as this blows over, I'm going to see Dr. Alphys!" She thought. It was time she put a stop to this binge eating behavior! Now, to pass the time. She still felt drowsy. Maybe because she hadn't slept all week. "Ah, what the hell? Got nothin' better to do," And with that, she took another trip to Snoozeville.

6:47 PM

Maddie walked into the living room just as April was waking up. "You were sleeping? That's so unlike you," She saw the pizza box on top of April, and the one on the arm of the couch, and the one on the coffee table. "Huh, I guess now I have room for this last pizza," Maddie was shocked. "You already ate 2 large Hawaiian pizzas?!" she asked. April opened the 3rd box but before she could pick up a slice, it was swept off the table. "Oh no, this one's mine!" Maddie walked into the kitchen with the box in hand.

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