chapter 1

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Oberoi mansion....

Breakfast lunch and dinner has become silent affairs in oberoi mansion....there are no more more chirpiness....gauri's disappearance has caused a great impact on each oberoi....dadi misses her sanskari bahu....jhanvi misses her daughter....shivaay misses his soul sister who he had loved and cared for like prinku... sometimes more than prinku...Rudy misses his chulbul bhabhi...his partner in crime...anika misses her behen jaisi devrani... Bhavya misses her elder sister like bhabhi... and surprisingly tej misses her as he realizes that she was the light of his son's dark life...

And om......he lost himself after gauri left.... she has taken away all his happiness along with his only solace is his "cupcake"

Om's room..

Om was sitting in between many paintings...a room full of paintings....all the paintings resembles a single person...his gauri...his only habit since 2 years is to talk to her paintings...

Om with teary eyes speaks to the painting... "where are u gauri..?? Do you know i had been searching for u for the past 2 years...?? But i couldn't find u?? Don't you remember me gauri...ur omkaraji?? It has been 2 years gauri 2 damn u know how i am living... how difficult it is to live without you...i agree its my fault...its me who asked u to leave me.. But why did u go?? U could have fought for your rights gauri....a wife's rights!!! Always u used to come back to me right...then y didn't u come back this time...u always used to say that shankarji has united us....then y did he separate us gauri.... Wont u forgive your omkaraji? Won't u cone back to me gauri? Is this the end of our story??...."

"Lambe baal waale chachu....." a sweet voice brings him out of his conversation with gauri..

"Cupcake" om replies with a sweet smile...

Listening to the mention of her name she jumps into om's lap and caresses his face and wipes his tears asking him "were u crying chachu??" "No my dear...chachu wasn't crying...." he replies with a soft smile to which his cupcake returns her million dollar smile...

"Chachu....u promised me to tell the story of the prince and the princess" she asks with her usual chirpiness..."okay come lets go to bed and then i will tell u the story of prince and princess" he says...."yaay!!!" she squeals in happiness.....

Om picks her in his arms and takes her to the bed and tucks her under the blanket....and begins with the story....

"Once there lived a prince....bahut gussa wali thaa.....he was tall with long hairs...and the prince was an artist too..." she interrupts the story asking.."prince bilkul aap jaise hai na chachu..." he smiles and says "haaan baba... Chachu jaisa hai prince"....and he continues with the story..."prince had many problems in his life....and once he went for his business he met the princess there....she was so beautiful..with doe shaped eyes pointed nose strawberry lips fair flawless skin...she looked like an angel....the princess was very courageous....she fought with the prince and even destroyed prince's car ...that too with a bulldozer ...." he smiles remembering the incident...remembering how brave she was to mess with The Omkara Singh Oberoi..."then what happened chachu" she asks him bringing him out of his thoughts...he smiles and continues the story..."then one day he saw the princess in a monster's castle....the princess was held captive under golden chains by the monster...but the prince misunderstood the princess thinking that she was willingly marrying the monster...prince became angry and accused her...princess asked for prince's help several times but the prince thought she was acting to trap the prince....and the princess with the help of her friends escaped from the monster...but she was attacked by the villagers...there the prince came and married the princess and saved her...then he left her there....then the princess reached the prince's palace disguised as a boy....and she helped prince in many ways...she saved prince's life...she saved prince's mom's life....but still the prince was angry at her...prince asked her to leave his palace...but the princess didn't leave the prince alone....she saved the prince from all his problems ....and one day when she was sure that the prince is absolutely safe...wo chali gayi..." he finishes off the story with tears in his eyes...."kyun chali gayi wo" she asks sadly to which he replies..."prince did hurt her a lot....and the princess couldn't bear any more hurt so she left..." "Prince is bad hei na chachu"...she asks and he says "haa very bad....maybe the prince never deserved the princess "...."but not that bad chachu" she says to which he raises his eyebrow confused to why cupcake suddenly changed her opinion to which she continues "prince married princess to save her because he likes her hai na the prince is not that bad" om smiles hearing her explanation...and she again asks "chachu.... the girl in these paintings na... Is she the princess ....??" "How do u know that cupcake" he asked....and she says "that girl looks like the princess in the story....very an angel..." Om smiles hearing that....

"Cupcake its too late now...lets sleep...tomorrow Rudy chachu's wedding preparations we have to wake up early...."he kisses her for head and says "goodnight cupcake" and he turns to the painting and says "gudnyt gauri" and both of them dozes of to sleep

Few minutes later anika comes in search of her daughter...."ananya.....!!!" She calls and opens the door and sees her daughter sleeping peacefully near her chachu...she smiles seeing the duo...and covers both of them with the blanket...kisses them on the forhead...and goes back to her room....

A/n: pls do vote and tell me how the chapter is....tell me whether i have reached up to your expectations...

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