chapter 3

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Oberoi Mansion

She stood the entrance of oberoi mansion....with many memories flashing through her mind...the day she first stepped into the mansion as chulbul....her chulbul days with om...their om hugged chulbul whenever he was happy... then the day om brought her back as gauri as a part of his mission to get rid of Svetlana.. their fake romance in front of Svetlana and that sarkari chirotta...then their family moments....her bade baiyya , boujai ,Rudy bhaiyya,bhavya , dadi,ma...she missed how she is gonna face them..

she was in her own world of past when she heard a baby voice screaming.."chachu...look princess"

In the living room the whole oberoi clan was discussing about Rudy's wedding and that's when they heard ananya shouting "chachu.. look princess" pointing her little forefinger towards the entrance of the mansion...

Everyones gaze followed ananya's was an understatement to say that everyone was shocked....they were beyond shocked and happy stood rooted to his place on seeing his gauri after long 2 was Rudy who came out of the shock...he ran to his chulbul bhabi giving her a bone crashing hug....with tears in his eyes dragging her to the living room he spoke.. "bhabhi..u r u have any idea on how much i missed u...i knew it u would come back.. now i can get married happily without missing my chulbul bhabhi..." She didn't reply to his talks, just gave a slight smile which was so unusual of the old gauri who used to talk non stop whether necessary or unnecessary...little did they know that it was not the same old gauri who lived with them 2 years the time everyone came out of their shock and began hugging her and asking her whereabouts.. she tried to be normal with everyone as this family had been always good to her...she cant just hurt them with her indifferent behavior just because a single person from the family had broken her....

Slowly om came and stood near her...he had tears in his eyes...tears of began speaking... "gauri..." "Yes Mr Oberoi" she replied with nothing but coldness in her voice..everyone were shocked as the way she addressed om...."gauri what is with this Mr Oberoi....its omkaraji gauri..."om says with a cracked voice....before she could reply ananya comes in between saying..."princess"
Gauri smiled at the little kid and bent down at her level and said..."hi doll..." "Princess u came back for prince right.... Prince misses u a lot..." Says ananya..."how do u know me doll" asked gauri with an amused face.. "chachu told me prince and princess story aur aapki bahut saari paintings bhi hei chachu ki kamre mein...."gauri looked at om and their eyes met for a second and she could see emotions in his eyes which she haven't seen before...their short eye lock was broken by ananya's voice who said..."princess aap mere saath aano na..." "Kahaan doll?? " gauri asks to which ananya said "chachu ki kamre mein.. I will show u all the paintings" gauri stiffened suddenly at the thought of entering into the same room which was a witness to all her breakdowns...."nahi doll...mujhe bahut kaam hei...we will go later..." and her face falls....and to cheer her up gauri says..."acha.. aapko chocolates pasand hei na... I will give u.."and instantly her face lits up hearing chocolate.. gauri searches for chocolate in her bag but doesn't find any..."achaa doll...meri pass koi chocolates nahi hei🙁....kya aap cupcake khaogi kya??" and a huge grin appears on ananya's face...."ye to kamaal hei...gauri she is kind of obsessed with cupcake...its her favorite" says anika....gauri gives the cupcake and ananya eats it happily...and after having the cupcake ananya asks something to gauri which none of the oberois noticed due to the excitement they had on seeing gauri... "princess.....why are u wearing the kind of dress those aunties in papa's office all paintings u wore sarees and salwars right" that's when everyone noticed her business suit....and shivaay asks her the same thing "gauri tum yeh business suit kyun pehenti hei"

"Bade bhaiyya....I'm here for the wedding preparations..." she says...."are u working for GKS" om asks hoping to start a conversation with her as he couldn't tolerate her ingnorant behavior towards him...but her reply caught him off guard....

"mein hoon GKS.....Gauri Kumari Sharma"

A/n: guys short update it is....I'm not getting enough time to write...i wrote this sitting in the clinic..pls do vote and share your thoughts and i like healthy criticism and long comments...and my hindi is terrible as I'm a from pls do correct my Hindi grammar through comments....😊
And one more thing in this story..gauri left oberoi mansion after ananya was born... So she knows ananya....😊

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