chapter 23

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Gauri's pov

"Ma'am these are the Malhotra's file...the meeting with Mrs Malhotra is scheduled for coming Wednesday at 10.." Vani my PA informed...

"Good...anything else??" I asked...

"Ma'am this has been dropped in for you at the reception" she said handing me a bouquet of flowers....

"Okay you may go" I said and she walked out of my cabin...

A smile made its way on my face as I saw the note attached to the bouquet...

Meet me at the end of the lane at 5

Its been a week since our star gazing...and things are getting better between us...everything is falling into places...but still there is a nagging feeling in me that says something terrible is going to happen...

I shrugged out of all the negative thoughts as I saw the time....its quarter to 5....

Just wind up your work gauri ..

I finished off everything and walked out of my office....I'm leaving my car here bcz omkaraji might be coming in his car...I will get my car next day....

I walked towards the end of the lane....The area is almost deserted....its unusual....

As I was walking towards the corner I was suddenly pulled into a car by someone....

I let out a shreik as I realized a man has clamped his hands over my mouth...

"Bulbul...." I stiffened hearing the worst nightmare....

Kali Thakur

That was the last thing I heard before someone injected something on my neck and darkness engulfed me....

Om's pov

"Om did gauri pick up the call" bhabhi asked

"Not yet bhabhi...her phone is still switched off" I said dialing again...

Its been 8 at night and gauri has not yet returned from her office....she usually comes by 6...

"Call her PA Vani" shivaay said...

I dialed Vani's number


"Vani...its omkara Singh Oberoi....Is gauri still at the office" I asked

"No she left around 5" she said

"What?? Around 5?? Did she tell you where she is going??" I asked

"No'am received a bouquet and she left immediately after that..." She said

My heart is pounding erratically.... The feeling that something bad is going to happen is killing me...

"What happened om" shivaay asked..

"She left around 5...." I said..

"Maybe she is with arnav...let me call him" he said...

By the time everyone assembled in the living room.

"Hey arnav!! Is gauri with you?? What?? she haven't returned from office...her PA said she left around 5...okay I will..." He said and hung up...

"Gauri isn't with him" shivaay said...

"Khanna...." I shouted for Khanna to come...

"Yes sir..." He said..

"Track gauri's number...immediately" I said

He did something on his iPad .

"Sorry sir...we cant track her as her phone is switched off" he said ...

We heard a phone ringing and I turned to see dad picking up his phone...

"What???" He growled...

"And why the hell didn't you inform me before...I have given you strict orders to inform me immediately if anything suspicious happens around him...and you are informing me after his escape from the prison... irresponsible fools...." He shouted ..

Who is he talking about??

"What do u mean by a girl visited him?? Send me the cctv footages immediately" he shouted and hung up the phone...

He turned to me and the look on his face is scary....

"Kali Thakur escaped from the prison yesterday...." And that knocked the air out of my lungs....


"Shivaay....gauri..gauri must be with him...he might have got her by now....pls do something....I cant lose her shivaay" I said panicking....

"We need her office cctv footages for clues...I need to find her..."

"Bhavya....inform your force..."

"I'm leaving to search for her..."

Someone punched me hard on my face and I looked up to see my dad

Did he just punch me...

"Om...its not a time for you to panick...use your brain...all these things you are instructing are of no use....keep your" he pointed my heart and said" behind and use your head" he said...and I looked at him in disbelief..

"How do you expect me to be cool when my wife is out there in danger" I yelled...

"I know om... U are shaken...but you need to be calm if you want to find her soon.." He said..

"Jhanvi get my Mac book ...the one which is kept in the locker" he said and mom went to get that...

He opened his phone and played a video

"This is the cctv footage of the prison...the jail suprendant said that some girl visited kali thakur 3 days back..." He said

And my eyes widened seeing the girl in the video ...


I will kill her...

"How dare she....I'm gonna kill her" I yelled.

"Om...first we need to find gauri...then we will deal with ridimma...okay??" Dad said....

Mom got the Mac book and dad opened it and did something....

I didn't understand looked like some technicalities....

"The location is tracked...its somewhere in the outer skirts of uttar pradesh..."

"Bhavya share the location with your force and ask them to contact the local police there...."

"Khanna get the chopper ready...."

"Om shivaay Rudy...we are leaving now" he said and we all looked at him in shock...

If I was not so panicked about gauri I would have found this dad acting like a CBI officer....

"Let's move...Bhavya come with your force" I said and we all walked out of the mansion...

Gauri....I'm coming for you....I will never let anything happen to you...


Here goes the next chappy...

So kali thakur is back guys....😨

And ridimma the bi*ch helped him escape.....

Next chapter...there will be some revelations....

Hope you guys like this one...

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Love you guys...😍😘😘

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