chapter 10

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Oberoi mansion

Om's room.....

Om wakes up first in the morning and the sight in front of him made his day...his wife was sleeping snuggling into his chest..... He couldn't help but smile at that.....soon the smile turns into a frown finding aadi missing and he turns looks for aadi in the room and he sees him sitting on the floor with his toys....he smiles at that....he wanted to pick aaadi up but he couldn't let go gauri from he thought to stay like that till gauri wakes up....he had been admiring a sleeping gauri.....gauri opens her hazel eyes to meet with omkara's chocolate browns orbs....time stops just like that....she wanted to look away....her mind screams to look away...but her heart says different...
Cute little aadi finds it interesting to see his parents looking at each other which makes him giggle...breaking the trance they both come back to senses....."woh.... I'm sorry...." says gauri and she goes and pick up aadi and goes into the washroom....
Om was grinning ear to ear.....a simple eyelock is making his heart beat race at a high pace....a few minutes later the washroom door opens revealing gauri with aadi wrapped in a towel.....little aadi had a morning shower...he smiles looking at his cute bundle of joy draped in a towel....gauri brings him to the bed to dress him up....
She starts applying baby lotion and baby powder on is keenly observing gauri's each move....he is amazed thinking how perfect his wife is....she is perfect in everything....she has been a perfect wife from the start .....even though he hasn't accepted her as his wife she did all her duties perfectly....and now she is a perfect mother who is capable of raising her child alone....
His train of thoughts breaks when gauri says...."can u baby sit him for sometimes....i need a shower" smiles and says..."ofcourse....i would love to be with little om...." gauri nods and goes into the washroom....
Om picks up his baby from the bed and both of the sits on the floor...."champ....lets play..." says om
And they starts playing in the room...
Gauri after her shower comes out to the room....and she is shocked to see the room.....the bed sheet and the pillows are on the and aadi are drenched in paint and aadi is still painting on a canvas by dipping his hands in a paint can in between and om doing the same along with aadii..
"What the hell" gauri shouts in and aadi raises their eyes from the canvas to see a fuming ri standing in front of them....she is draped in a beautiful baby pink Saree which hugs perfectly on her curves and water dripping from her hair adding to her beauty and she is hell angry which om finds to be sexy....'why am i turned on now....oh god she is angry and here i am having dirty thoughts...' thinks om....."wo... Gauri....aadi wanted to paint so..i thought...." he couldn't form perfect sentences... Little aadi knows he is gonna get scolded for the mess he escape that he turns around and circles his arms around om's neck hugging him tightly like a koala on a chuckles seeing his son's antics which infuriates gauri more....."i just gave him a bath 30 mins before....and here he is drenched in paint....are u insane....if he wants to him crayons and a coloring book....this is not how a child learns drawing...."gauri says to which om nods and says sorry....gauri goes to pick up aadi from om so that she can give him another bath....but little aadi has other plans....he tightens his hug on his chuckles and says..."seems like he likes me more than u" to which gauri rolls her eyes and says...." y don't u gve him a bath..." om looks at gauri in horror and asks " me???" "Yes....u....he likes u more than me give him a bath...." She walks out of the room and turns around before leaving and says...."30 mins....i will be back with aadi's food....before that i want u to clean the mess u have created and and i want u both to be fresh" and she leaves the room leaving om in a shocked state....

Om's pov...

What have i got myself i have three tasks to complete....
1 clean the room
2 give aadi and bath and get him ready for the day
3 fresh up and get ready for the day...
How the hell am i supposed to do all these in 30 mins and that too alone...

Well u created the mess in less than 30 minutes...then y don't u clear it up in 30 mins....mocked his subconscious mind.....
Well....i cant finish this in 30 mins only option is to call shivru...."hello....shivaay rudy...please come to my room immediately....its urgent..."i said in a panic tone....well now they will run to my room....
Within seconds they reached the room and both of them looked at me and aadi in horror.....
"What have u both done" asks rudy

"Shivaay rudy...i don't have time to explain lets start cleaning the room...after that i have to give aadi a bath and then i need a shower myself....we have only 30 mins...come on hurry up..."

"Wait....what do u mean by we have to clean the room...its ur room...why should we clean in..." asks shivaay...

"Oh come on shivaay...its not a time for argument...i already lost 10 only 20 mins left....lets start"

"Whats with this 30 mins...where r u going after 30 mins...y r u in a hurry"asks rudy....

Oh god....these two people are of nor use...they wont start without knowing the full story....i sighed in defeat....

"Listen carefully....gauri gave aadi a bath in the morning and she went for a shower ...then we started playing and painting and that resulted in this mess....gauri got really angry and she ordered to fix the mess I have created in 30 mins after that she will be back with aadi's we have 20 mins left... So can we please start" i said in an annoyed tone.....

Well they understood the situation... We three started cleaning the mess and aadi is sitting in his walker...
Rudy started laughing in between...what the hell is wrong with him...
"Why are u laughing...what is so funny here..." I asked him...
"Nothing O...i was thinking...2 years back bhabhi was sacred of see how the table has turned...u r scared of bhabhi...."he said along with laughing....
"Shut up rudy" i said...

now the room is almost done...a bit more to finish....
"Guys can u finish these works....i will give aadi a bath..." I took aadi to washroom....
"Today papa and aadi will shower together" i said in a baby voice to aadi...

We took a bath and came out....we both draped in a the room is clean...shivru already left....
Next task 'dressing up aadi'....
I placed aadi on the bed and took diapers and a new pair of dress from the closet....
I heard the sound of door gauri has come....but we r not ready yet....oh please gauri...don't shout...please please....
I can feel her piercing gaze on me....well I'm still in my she is checking me out....😉😉 well Mrs i am all urs .....a playful smirk appeared on my lips and i turned to her...
"Done checking me out???" I asked raising an eyebrow.....

Well guys....I'm so sorry for the late update....i hope u enjoy the chapter....i cant promise regular updates as i am caught up with work nowadays....i will try my best to update the earliest....and the chapters i update wont be edited please do adjust with that....
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