chapter 16

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Om's pov


I was stunned to see my family there singing happy birthday for me....did they really plan all these....

Everyone hugged me and wished me birthday..

They took me to birthday cake.After cutting the cake i took a piece and was about to feed gauri when she said "first aapki brothers... feed them first" i can't help but fall for her again and again....

After cake cutting everyone gave me gifts and what surprised me is the gift dad gave me.It was an envelope and i was confused on seeing that....I opened it and the documents i saw inside was something i never expected from him....he has bought the biggest art gallery in Mumbai in my name.I mean he never supported me in my passion for arts...he always wanted me to join business... This is a great acceptance from him....i wish he had done this long back....i just hugged him.

After dinner seniors retired to their rooms and Mithali took aadi and cupcake to bed.Now we junior oberois are sitting on the pool side and enjoying the night

"Lets play the dare game" Rudy suggested

"Aren't you bored of this truth or dare game Rudy" shivaay asked

"Its not truth or dare....just dare game...we will write down the dares on a chit on shuffle them and put it in a bowl....we will pick one chit and perform whatever task is written on the chit" he said

"How is it different from truth or dare" i rolled my eyes at him

"Oh come on O.... Aap sachh ka boyfriend hei and u will choose only truth....where is the fun in goes in dare" he said

"I'm in" gauri suddenly said and i looked at her

If she is ready even I'm in...

"Me too" anika bhabhi n bhavya said together...

"Okay lets play...plss my dr boring brothers u don't have any option u guys have to play with us" Rudy said and me n shivaay nodded

"So i will decide all the dares...." Rudy said and went inside ....after 15 mins he came back with a bowl with many chits....and we started playing...Rudy spinned a bottle and it stopped facing anika bhabhi

She took the chit and read it..."kyaaa.....nahi nahi.... I wont do this" she said shaking her head....

"What is written in it" asked shivaay and took the chit from bhabhi and read it aloud

"Open the front door and howl like a wolf" and he started laughing.... "Anika this one is so it" said shivaay and everyone started encouraging her....she went outside and we heard her howling for 30 seconds and she came back running.....thank god all the rooms here are sound proof or else everyone might come out now....

We went on playing like shivaay got the dare to post a selfie with toilet on Facebook ...he really posted it...i don't know how many deals he is gonna lose bcz of this...then bhavya had to go on Facebook live and read the back of a shampoo bottle....the ACP of Mumbai advertising for shampoo....😉😉

Now its gauri's turn....she picked up the chit and read it and looked at rudy in horror....

"Bhabhi read it aloud" he said and she read it..

"Blindfold yourself and kiss the first 3 things that come in your way" she said and i smirked...well i cant really miss the chance and i wont....

She stood up and bhavya blindfolded her and spinned her ...she started walking in the opposite direction from where we are sitting and the first thing which came in her way is the table placed on the poolside....she bent down and kissed the table....then she walked forwards and reached near the poolside tree and kissed the tree.Now she turned around and started walking towards our its time for me to go....i stood up from where I'm sitting and shivru gave me a knowing smile....i went and stood in front of her...she touched me and suddenly took off her blindfold... She looked at me in horror...."aap yahan kaise??" She asked and i smiled sheepishly.... "complete the dare jaan" i said and she looked at me in disbelief.... "bhabhi don't worry...we wont look at u...take ur own time" rudy said and winked at her....."gauri....dare" i again said and she looked at me....she tiptoed and kissed me on the cheek and ran back to the group.....i touched my cheek and smiled...

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