chapter 2

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Oberoi morning

Sunrays peeps through the windows and disturbs the beauty sleep of the chachu-neice duo.....ananya and om opens their eyes together and looks at each other...."gudmng cupcake" om says...."gudmng chachu" she wishes him back....."again we r late cupcake"

"Mumma is gonna scold me today" she pouts...."haaan mumma is gonna scold u for sure" says anika coming into the room...."sorry mumma" she makes a puppy face to which om and anika chuckles... "ananya...come lets go and get u also get preparations begins shortly....get ready fast and come down for breakfast"....."ok babhi"....

Anika and ananya leaves the wishes gudmng to gauri and goes to the washroom to get ready....

After the breakfast everyone were sitting in the living room discussing about the wedding preparations....

"Shivaay when will the wedding planner be here" asks anika...."anika she is not a wedding planner....she is india's no.1 fashion designer and she has an event management company she is gonna design the wedding dresses along with the decorations....both wedding decorations and wedding dresses will be done according to a theme which is of bride and groom's interest...that's their specialty".....shivaay says...

"Its something different right bhaiyya...both designing and decorations by single person and that too co ordinated..."says Rudy...

"Haaan Rudy her ideas are unique....her designs are also unique....and that's what made her No.1 in a single year..."shivaay says

"Who is this designer shivaay...whats her name"..asks om...."GKS" shivaay says...

"GKS????" asks aniomru together...."it sounds like SSO right" anika says....Rudy and anika hi-fi es each other...."whats her real name shivaay" asks om...."pata nahi om.... She haven't revealed her identity ...even media haven't spotted her yet....all her dealings are private...and that's what her company asked us too....there should be no media intervention as long as she is here" shivaay says...."mystery girl haa" om which shivaay just smiles....

Shivaay receives a call....and after the call he says..."her team is here....they are gonna start with the preparations...."

Later in the evening a girl slim and tall in a professional outfit comes to the family and introduces herself as PA of GKS....

"Gudevening I'm Vani....working as a PA to GKS......" " when will GKS reach?" asks shivaay...."she will be here within an hour sir" she replies....

Another side of the city....a girl is shown getting into her car after settling everything in her new mansion in Mumbai...she looks confident in her business outfit but her eyes seems tired after her long flight journey... now she is heading toward her new work place...

She sits in the car and looking outside thought the open windows reminiscing all her memories with the city...the cold breeze hits her skin....she slightly dozes off unknowingly..

"Mam we r here...."she comes out of her beauty sleep when she hears the driver speaks....she opens her eyes and is shocked to see her past in front of her....never in her wildest dream she had seen this day....she never wanted to return to where the person whom she despises lives....she never wanted to see the same disgust in his eyes on seeing her....she regrets not asking Dandi about with whom their new deal is....she regrets not telling Dandi anything about her past.... now she cant back out....its against her business ethics....its time to face the worst truth of her life...she have to do it....she have to show him that he no more affects her...she have to show him that she have moved on in her life...and he doesn't mean anything to her anymore....with all confidence she enters inside the mansion....the house which once meant everything to her...the people once who were her own....

Lets see how she is gonna face her om gonna react on seeing her after 2 years...

Let's see how things gonna change....

A/n:guys i know there is nothing in this chapter....i just wanted to give a small intro for gauri....pls do vote and tell me your opinion...

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