chapter 13

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Om's pov

I came back home from gauri's office....

She is such a stubborn girl....what is the big deal in taking that was raining heavily outside....normal people would use the umbrella....but after all she is gauri kumari sharma.....she has her own ways....she ran to the office building completely drenched...uff

When i asked her what was the need for going out in the rain as usual she gave me her rebellious reply....what am i going to do with this girl...

Now I'm playing with aadi.... He is so cute...he looks just like me...but has gauri's eyes... those innocent eyes i fell in love with.....aadi is a happy child....always smiling...just like gauri..he gelled up quickly with everyone here.. What is more surprising is he is more attached to dad than anyone else....honestly speaking i often get jealous how he refuses to come to me when he is with dad...he doesn't refuses to come to me if he is with gauri....but from dad....its quiet difficult...and he jumps into dad's arms just by hearing his voice....

Aadi has been pulling my hair...."baccha...its hurting...don't pull papa's hair please..." I said to which he giggled and continued pulling my hair ...of course....ziddi hei just like mumma... I chuckled at that thought....

That's when i saw gauri entering the home... she is still in those same wet clothes....i cant believe this....kitni ziddi hei ye ladki....i gave her a pair of dress to change and she didn't even care....I'm sure she would have thrown than soup into the trashcan...

She walked to the room.....i went to anika babhi and gave aadi to her...i need to talk to gauri...i went to our room and heard the sound of running water from the washroom...she might be having a shower...i will wait...i went to the balcony and sat there waiting for her to come out....

I saw her coming out of the washroom...and she is wiping her hair....she didn't see me yet...i was just admiring her...she looks so fresh... Just like a flower....but she looks weird now... What happened....before i could realize i saw her fainting and i just ran to her and caught hold of her before hitting the floor....i carried her to the bed and tucked her into the duvet....i touched her and she is burning....of course...she caught cold...she got completely drenched in rain and she was in the same wet clothes for more than an hour...

I immediately switched off the ac and took two more blankets from the closet and covered her in that...she's still shivering...

I dialed the doctor's number and asked him to come to the mansion....i sat there and rubbed her hands with my hands....

"Om" i turned to see a worried shivru coming along with the doctor....i stood up and allowed the doctor the check on gauri....

"What happened O" Rudy asked worried..

"She fainted and her body was burning in fever" i said...

"Mr oberoi" i turned to see the doctor and he continued..."she is having high fever...did she get drenched in water"

"Yea... She got drenched in rain and she had been wearing those wet clothes for over an hour" i said and the doctor sighed...

"She needs complete rest....give her these medicines once she is awake...i have given her an injection that helps in subsiding the fever....take care of her" he said and i nodded..

"Thank you doctor" i said and turned to shivaay "can u walk him out" he nodded and took the doctor out....

I went and sat next to gauri....I touched her and she is still burning like fire....i took a bowl of water and a cloth and dipped it in water and placed it on her for head....i sat on the bed and placed her head on my lap....i repeated changing the cloth several times....and i don't know when i fell asleep in that sitting position...

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