chapter 4

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Oberoi Mansion

"Mein hoon GKS......gauri kumari sharma"

Everyone were shocked to hear that....gauri.. a small town girl whose qualification is fifth passed claims to be GKS....the No.1 fashion designer in India.....its natural to be shocked at that piece of information...

"U r GKS?? the top most fashion designer in India....i cant believe this..."om says in a surprised tone...."its nothing new Mr Oberoi.. When did u ever believe I'm not surprised to the fact that u don't believe it..and i don't care whether u believe or not.." gauri says in an emotionless voice...."no gauri..i didn't mean it like that....its just that I'm surprised and I'm happy for u...u r misunderstanding me gauri" om says..."misunderstanding is your habit Mr Oberoi....not mine..."gauri says.."gauri pls meri baat to sunlo...whatever happened in the past.." his words were cut off by gauri saying..."Lets not dwell into the past Mr is not a topic of interest for me....i had long forgotten everything related to u and it would be better if u don't try to remind me of anything.."gauri says with finality in her tone and walks away....

Pool side....

Shivomru were on the poolside....."what am i going to do shivaay....i have no idea.." says om...."om...she is hurt...and its u who caused that hurt...and now its u who have to work on this...."says shivaay...."but how shivaay...didn't u see she is not even ready to talk to me"asks om...."then make her talk to u om...u have to work hard on this...." says shivaay...."i cant tolerate her ignorance....her eyes...her doesn't hold anymore feelings for hurts here" om says pointing towards his heart...."that's what u did to her in the past O..." says rudra..."I know Rudy....i know it was my fault...I'm ready to ask sorry...but she is ignoring me completely...whenever she calls me Mr Oberoi it feels like someone is stabbing me right into my heart..."says om with tears in his eyes..."himmath mat haarna om....we r oberois...and oberois never quit...."says shivaay patting on his shoulder...."yes...oberois never quit...i will never quit...i will make her mine again...i will make her love me again...." says om with confidence ...Rudy says "one for all" and shivom says "all for one" and they share a obro moment....a few seconds later om says..."moment bigad gayi..."pehle emotional tha...says shivaay and om continues saying "lekin ab awkward ban gayi" to which Rudy makes a puppy face and shivom laughs at their baby brother's antics....


Gauri was discussing with ruvya about their interest on the wedding theme...shivika was also there along with them...."So Rudy bhaiyya tell me....u have any ideas on your wedding theme or u want me to suggest something" asks gauri...."i have no idea bhabhi..."rudy says "even i don't have any idea" says bhavya...."oh god...are u guys even serious....u people are getting married and u haven't thought of anything regarding the theme...."asks gauri with a tone of disbelief.."why don't u suggest some ideas" asks om coming towards them...he sat in front of gauri facing her...."okay fine i will tell u some ideas....u can select anyone or even u can blend any of per your interest...and we will perfectly plan according to that Mr Oberoi" gauri says with complete sighs listening to her business tone....

Gauri takes out her tab and starts explaining the different themes....

"first lets see the vintage was inspired by the rolling verdant hills and fresh flavors of Tuscany, but it also captures the elegance of a bygone era. If you're going the vintage route, lace is a must: a gown with a modern twist, like this bride's matching bolero and sheer sleeves. A muted color palette with ivory, slate grey, rose, and gold is soft and pretty.Unusually-shaped chandeliers hung from the overhead trellis and billowy fabric was used to create a faux canopy. Wood chairs were mixed with covered chairs with fabric floral detailing. The vintage theme can even extend to food and serving pieces, too....another one is....Ethnic Wedding Theme...Ethnic and multicultural weddings are all about embracing one's culture, family, traditions and color! Rich fabrics, beautiful fashion and jewelry is really what brings these events to life.One element that's key to pulling off this vibrant theme is lighting - it should be strong and bright to stand up to all of the other décor."
And she explains them few more themes and all are really impressed on her unique felt proud of her...gauri asks vani her PA..."vani i asked u to make a call to ASR....did u?? " "yes GKS....but he is unreachable at the moment....a voice mail is been left for him..." says vani...."okay fine...u can go" says gauri...."ye ASR kon hei" om asks shivru...."i think its arnav Singh raizada...CEO of raizada groups...he is a top industrialist in the fashion world"...says shivaay...."and what does he have to do with my gauri..."asks om irritated...."how do we know O" says rudy... Om makes an irritated face...shivaay seeing om being restless asks gauri..."gauri...who is ASR....arnav Singh raizada???" "Haan bhaiyya he is my partner..."says gauri..."partner matlab???" asks om a bit loudly to which gauri rolls her eyes and says...."partner matlab partner... huh!!!" and she continues checking some mails in her looks at gauri trying to read her face but is unable to do that..."om ASR is not someone friendly or far as i have heard he is rude arrogant and workaholic....don't be tensed okay" says shivaay sensing Om's tension...

Then they sees a tall handsome man tip toeing towards gauri from seems like he is trying to scare gauri from behind..

Gauri is checking her mails in her phone when she feels the presence of someone behind her..she instantly knows who he is...he was about to shout near her ears...but stops when he hears her say...."sochna bhi mat arnav"....

A/n: guys....plss do vote and comment....the wedding theme discussed above has been copied and pasted from google...😀

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