chapter 11

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Oberoi mansion....

Gauri's pov

I entered our room....i mean Mr Oberoi's room with aadi's breakfast...
I saw him struggling to get aadi dressed ....then i turned to him....he is standing there with just a towel hanging around his hips covering his lower body....holy crap....he is so hot...

Gauri take your eyes off him.....i told myself several times....but i couldn't...
He is so perfect....
He turned to me with a smirk on his face and said...."done checking me out" oh shoot!!! How i wish to wipe off the smirk from his face....
"Well ...yes!!! Sadly nothing seems interesting" now its my turn to smirk...well done gauri well done....i mentally patted my shoulder....haha his was priceless ...
He turned around and fixed his concentration again on aadi as if he didn't hear my comment....well take that u jerk...😎

"Aargghh.....stay still aadi...let me finish this please" he pleaded to aadi as if he is gonna listen to him...i know my son little traitor...he ditched me a while ago with his newly found father....i know i know...that was to escape from my scoldings....he will always be mumma's boy no matter what....

"Move..let me do it" i said and he accepted his defeat and moved sideways so that i can dress up aadi...
I dressed him up within seconds...well i have been doing this for quiet long its easy for me....and i turned to Mr Oberoi and said...."i thought he likes u more than me....seems like he is back to be mumma's boy" i smirked..

He didn't say anything...he just raised his hands in air as if accepting his defeat.....

"Mumma and son" he said rolling his eys and he looked at aadi and spoke to him in a baby voice "u r in your mumma's team....when my princess come we both will be in the same team against u okay"

What the hell....what is he talking about....

"By the time ur princess is and my son wont be here with your new wife and princess" i said to him in a cold tone.....
"New wife???" he said in a confused tone....."I'm talking about our daughter gauri....I'm not going to marry anyone can u even think of that...."
"What made u think that i will be having another kid with u??" I asked him....I'm frustrated now....what does he think of himself.....
"Do u still feel like everything goes as per ur wish.....things has changed Mr Oberoi.....gauri has changed....this is not the same old gauri who lived according to your you understand???" I spoke angrily to him...
"Gauri....i didn't mean it like that...." he said calmly...
"Just becz we had a civil conversation with each other today doesn't means that i forgot everything and i am accepting you u get that Mr Oberoi...." i said to him....i took aadi and walked out of the room angrily....i seriously need to calm down....and i cant if he is around.....

Om's pov

She walked out of the room angrily....
I shouldn't have said that....especially when things are not good between just naturally came out of my mouth....its true i want a daughter...i have dreamt of our small family many gauri and two kids...a son and a that i have a son...i wanted a daughter too...but i shouldn't have said that now in front of her.....

Its evening now....gauri has been avoiding me like plaque......
Now we all are sitting in the living room....aadi and cupcake are playing...obviously with the big baby of the house Rudy.....he is getting married within 2 weeks but he is still a child ....bhavyaa all the best😉

I saw Mr Oberoi coming with a gaint teddy bear baby blue in color in his hands....omg!! Its as big as a human.....
He came near aadi and spoke to him in a baby voice....really?? Baby voice?? Mr Oberoi??
" champ....this is for u...a teddy bear...." Aaadi jumped onto the teddy bear and now both the teddy bear and aadi are on the floor with aadi on top of the teddy bear....

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