Act Fifty-Six-Point-Five

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"What the hell kind of madness is this?"

I brought my arms tighter around Eddie's neck, my eyes wide as he ducked to fit us through the door of the café. Despite the half-mile he'd carried me on his back, Ed hadn't broken a sweat. I, on the other hand, was out of breath just from being toted around. There was a huge difference in our physical states.

"You two," Jimmy stifled his laughter behind his hand, coming up from wiping down a table. The rag he'd been using went along his shoulder like a true bartender and he smirked a total Jimmy smirk. "Did you carry Clem all the way from your guys' apartment, Eddie?"

My friend laughed sheepishly and allowed me to slide down his back. The minute I was on my feet, I wrapped my arm around Ed's arm and let out a deep breath. "Why am I dizzy?" I wondered, closing my eyes to keep the room from tilting all the way backwards.

"Maybe," Eddie finally answered Jimmy, keeping hold of me until I patted him on the arm so he'd know I was okay. "Gale is coming later with Dame. They're having a big date tonight."

Jimmy looked pleased. "Ooh, Date Night, huh?" he trilled, giving me a wink. I could only imagine how deeply red my face was. "Karaoke Night and Chill?"

"I swear to god, Jim-Jam!" Eddie groaned, steering me towards the counter. "We're going to go order. Please, don't feel the need to follow!"

Despite Eddie's words, I could see a smile breaking through on his face. I squeezed his arm to let him know it didn't bug me. Since Kyla vacated the planet, people all over the school- mainly Jimmy and people he knew by extension- had been making comments over Eddie and my relationship. Jimmy didn't waste time planting in everybody's head how perfect we were together. The only non-couple in the whole school I think got more crap was that barista with the long hair and his blonde friend (or boyfriend? I really wasn't sure).

"Cinnamon latte?" Eddie hummed as we got in line. I didn't let go of him. I rarely did. "Why am I even asking? I know the answer."

"Yes, yes you do," I mumbled.

That night at the café was a theme night. Eddie had been chintzy on the details, but apparently him and Gale had some big thing planned in regards to the theme. It only took one look around at all the kids in mop-tops, suits, and hippy garb to know the theme for that night was The Beatles. In other words, it was going to be a whole night filled with listening to people sing along to both Kyla and Eddie's favorite band of all time.

"Favorite Beatles' song?" I asked, just to make him aware that I was in- the-know.

He snickered, playfully jabbing me in the ribs. "You're too smart for me," he responded, causing me to bite down hard on my lip to keep from laughing too loudly. "That is really hard, actually. Can I do a top three?"

"I don't see why not."

"Alright. Let's go with... 'Because,' 'In My Life,' and 'Eleanor Rigby.' Do you have any favorites, Clemmy?"

"I really love 'Across the Universe.' I actually heard it for the first time with you. Kyla always listened to their harder stuff, like 'Helter Skelter' or 'Happiness Is a Warm Gun.'"

Eddie cringed, and I wonder if it was because of the song choice or the fact I was bringing up Kyla. Maybe it was combination of both.

We ordered and found a table in the back, right beside a table full of Ringo Stars arguing with a duo of Paul McCartneys. The debate seemed to be over who would had dibs on 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand.' I laughed a little to myself over this, settling in next to Eddie while I sipped my scalding coffee.

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