Joven's pov

I put The feeling of paranoia behind me I laid down on the comfy sofa in our break room and I fell asleep. And time goes on as now it is Friday and me and David are getting out of bed.

David threw on a green smosh games t shirt and brushed his messy orange hair. Its a hot day so he wore a pair of khaki shorts. I put on a black acdc t shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I fixed my hair the best I could and he and I left for the office.

Lasercorn and I talked about what was going to happen later on today. I could tell he's nervous. To calm his nerves I use my free hand and place my hand on top of his. He looks at me lovingly. He untensed a little bit.

"I love you, you know that right" his words brought a smile to my face

"I know. And I love you more than anything on the planet" I tell him

I look back to see if I could get into the turning lane. I saw a black car. The same black car that I've seen everywhere I go. Here lately I've had the feeling I've been being followed and the other day I could have swore I saw EJ outside on the sidewalk watching me at my office. But that's impossible because EJ is dead.

I saw his dead body at his funeral. David and I went with Darcy to give her some support. It's probably just my mind playing tricks on me. I don't know but that still doesn't explain why that car has been everywhere I have been.

As if on cue to stop my suspicion the car turned down another road. I shrug off the creepy feeling and blame my mind playing tricks on me again.

We get to work and the morning goes slow. Small talk through out the office. David is feeling nervous still. He keeps obsessively tapping. I ask "lasercorn baby would you please stop tapping. I can't write this script if that noise keeps distracting me"

He quit "sorry I guess I'm still really nervous"

Mari asked "why are you so nervous"

David replied "because I'm going to confront my father today"

Everyone in the room just kind of looked at him a little surprised except for me. Boze asked "you need some back up"

Everyone kind of just chimed in and gave a few yeahs. David said "no but thank you guys. As long as I have joven by my side then I can get through anything"

I gave him a small smile and went back to working. Damien said kind of coldly "the greatest couple in the world everybody"

I gave him a questioning glance "everything ok Damien"

He rolls his eyes and sighed "yes. Sorry that sounded meaner than I meant it. Glad you two are happy"

I looked over at sohinki and watched him type on his phone. Then Damiens phone vibrated on his desk. Interesting. Whats up with that. I ignore what just happened and asked damien "are you and shayne ok ?"

Damien tries to sound ok but I could hear a catch in his voice "yeah we are just going through a few things ya know"

"Well you know we are your friends if you ever need to talk then we got you" sohinki reassured

Damien sighs "yeah I know"

Ok something weird is going on with them two because sohinki just checked out damien and Damien checked him out back. I eyed them both. Are they secretly dating ? No he wouldn't do that to shayne. What ever it is, I should just mind my own business....

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