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  The dragon lies as still as the dead. With its all-bronze scales, more than one of the party began to suspect it was either a statue or a beast turned to metal by a sorcerer. Shenzi stared at the belly and nothing else for a few minutes, straining to see movement. Then he turned his gaze to the nostrils, nothing, not even a wisp of vapour or smoke. He turned and ushered the others forwards. The beast was serpentine-like most large worms but it's back was plated oddly and it had an odour Shenzi couldn't put his finger on. It was almost sweet but it had an undertone of something rotting. He signalled a stop, there were buds on the side of the beast he could have sworn weren't there a few moments ago. Before they could run the buds grew to legs and it turned hypnotic eyes on them, silvery orbs that moved like fog trapped in a land depression. Instead of running they became relaxed, somehow they knew they'd be OK here, the dragon was their friend and they really should bring it more treasure.  

Its tail was wrapped around itself, indicating to Shenzi that this dragon was not just an ordinary sized dragon. In fact, this dragon was a colossal beast who was the dragon that ran the land many many years ago. As in millenniums ago. Even though this dragon is so old, there was no distinct sign of ageing but he was huge. Shenzi left the dragon a pile of treasure and left it to relax in its peaceful slumber.

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