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"Fletch" she whispered again
He looked up at Roxanna "is she awake?"
"I think she's just waking up. She's in that place where you're not sure if you're still dreaming or not . She'll be properly awake very soon" she said taking down some observations
Jac's eyes fluttered open. She tried to focus on her surroundings and the man who was sat holding hemr hand stroking her knuckles.
"Hi sleeping beauty, you're awake"
"Fletch" she said sleepily, momentarily content. Shit Fletch her conscious mind was kicking in. She snatched her hand away.
"What are you doing?" Jac panicked
"Well apparently undertaking the thankless job of giving a shit about you. I'm glad you're awake. Bye then" Fletch couldn't hide his hurt
"I should have known better" he said to Roxanna on the way out.
Jac and Roxanna were stunned into silence. Roxanna didn't know Jac that well but decided to challenge her on what just happened
"You've hurt him"
"Yeah well, that's what I do" the old Jac bit back
"I asked him to come and sit with you"
"Why on earth did you do that?"asked Jac
"When you were just coming round you were calling for him, asking him not to go . Saying that you love him "
Jac was furiously blushing "oh my god" she said putting her face in her hands "hang on and you told him this?"
yes sorry. I assumed, you know,that you did love him, he felt the same.."
"I'm never going to be able to look him in the face again"
"Like I said to Fletch, even if you're not admitting it to yourself outwardly, Fletch and the way you feel about him is in your subconscious. You have no control and no filter there"
"Like you said to Fletch? Oh Roxanna you're just the gift that keeps giving aren't you?"
"Look  again I'm sorry Jac but you should have seen how worried he was when I went down. He didn't hesitate to come when I said you'd been calling for him and it doesn't take a genius to see how you feel about each other when you're together"
"You're forgetting one thing, the small matter that he's with someone else"
"When he was sat holding your hand, gently stroking your knuckles I guarantee you that there was no one else on his mind other than you at that moment in time."
"Could I be alone for a while please? No visitors "
"Ok we'll be in to check your obs every half an hour. Press the buzzer if you need us" Roxanna paused as she opened the door to leave "I'm sorry Jac"
As the door closed Jac allowed the tears that she had held back to fall freely.
"What the hell is happening to me?"
She knew she loved Fletch and maybe if they'd had that talk or gone for that drink she might even have admitted it but then Abigail came into the equation and he jumped away from her like a scalded cat. She still loved him but to be exposed like this was humiliating.
Jac was tired again after her sobs and drifted off again into a deep sleep.

Jac's dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now