Surely you knew

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Awkward silences had never been their thing but silence and not yet spoken words lay thick in the air.
"You do understand that I am in love with you and have been for months Jac" Fletch finally said "surely you knew that"
She pulled a face "I'm very good at denial" she paused "you love me?"
He responded by leaning towards her on the bed and wrapping his arms around her.
"You don't know how many nights I've lain awake wondering, hoping that you felt the same" he pulled away from the embrace and kissed her. Very brief, very chaste. They again interlocked their fingers. Both looking down at their hands as if trying to work out if they belonged to them.
"I'm not going to let you die Jac. Especially not after this"
"I wonder what a certain CEO will make of it"
Jac suddenly panicked "or did you just want to let me know that but not be with me?"
"Not be with you? Are you crazy? Naylor you will be so sick of me because especially whilst you're ill I will never leave your side"
"That's how it's always been Fletch" she smiled
"Yeah well" he said embarrassed "if you can't be there for the woman you love ....."
She leant forward and kissed him. A longer kiss this time but they jumped apart as Roxanna entered to take Jac's obs. She smirked and caught Jac's eye
"Everything alright?"she asked
"Perfect" Jac replied
"There's someone I need to go and see" Fletch said "I'll come back later?" He questioned
"I'm not going anywhere" she replied
He kissed her on her forehead and left to go and see Abigail
Jac smiled to herself. That simple act was so gentle and intimate. The last time he had done that she realised now how she had panicked at the merest hint of having to confront feelings. That was when she had left.
Jac hoped she'd done the right thing by admitting her feelings now.

Jac's dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now