Damned subconscious

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Fletch made his way round the bed so he could face her.
"I wasn't sure you would come"
"I wasn't either"
"I'm sorry for sending you away last time"
"Forget it" Fletch said softly pushing a stray hair off her face without even thinking . Neither mentioned it
"So you wanted to talk to me?"
Jac  nodded. Taking a deep breath she began
"I've been having strange dreams from when I was under the anaesthetic and just now"
She took his hand - "you were in most of them"
Fletch blushed . She gave a small laugh, I don't think we even spoke never mind touched. She carried on
"My subconscious was telling me to talk to you before it was too late. For a split second when I woke up and you were stroking my knuckles it was as if it hadn't been a dream and I was at peace until I realised that I was back in the real world"
She interlocked their fingers - receiving a raised eyebrow from Fletch but no resistance
"Anyway when I drifted off the last time there was death in the dream - my death"
He squeezed her hand
"I don't want to die without you knowing how I feel"
She took her hand back and covered her face
"God this is so hard. The thing is Fletch I think I love you. No I don't think  I know I do"
Fletch was momentarily lost for words and felt a stray tear escape and roll down his cheek. When he hadn't spoken for about a minute Jac took her hands away from her face, worried that he had left without her noticing
"You're not going to die Jac"
She laughed. Well at least he hadn't rejected her yet. Not laughed in her face. Damned subconscious.
"Thank you for telling me. You sure it's not the drugs messing with your mind"
"I'm sure"  Even if she didn't get a declaration of love in return she was relieved that she had told him

Jac's dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now