You came

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Gaskell strode onto Darwin and immediately located Fletch.
"Mr Fletcher, I have a message from Ms Naylor She wishes to speak to you"
"Oh really, well my message back is 'are you joking?' You can tell her I won't be granting her wishes Professor"
"Very well" he turned to leave
"Wait" Fletch kicked himself for caring "how is she?"
"As well as can be expected Mr Fletcher"
"Oh ok thanks"
I do not trust that guy thought Fletch. He felt uncomfortable not going to Jac when she'd asked to speak to him but he couldn't have his heart crushed again by her outright rejection
A short while later he was sitting in the staff room holding a mug of coffee which had long since gone cold he was deep in thought and didn't really register the two F1s come into the room mid conversation but his ears soon pricked up.
"I tried to tell him and Roxanna about the data" Meena was saying "Roxanna listened to my concerns and looked at the evidence. She took it to him and he kicked me off the trial, also Ms Naylor heard me discussing the implant with that nerdy guy from some institute or other"
"But" said Nicki "if all those patients end up deteriorating in exactly the same way then surely they have to make the link with the implant"
"Oh professor Gaskell can come up with all sorts of explanations but I think he knows deep down that what he's doing is killing people"
Fletch had started paying attention when he heard Jac's name.
Shit. He was so concerned with how she'd left him feeling he hadn't stopped to consider how frightened she must be. What if she died? What would happen to Emma? He couldn't let her go through that alone, what kind of friend would that make him. Yeah her friend that's all you want- you keep telling yourself that said a small voice in the back of his mind.
Fletch made his way up to Jac's room. It was hours since Gaskell had come to tell him she wanted to speak to him.
He opened the door quietly in case she was asleep again. She was lying on her side with her back to him.
"Jac" he said softly
"You came" she replied

Jac's dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now