Did i do the right thing?

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"I want to get out of here"
"Jac you've just had really serious spinal surgery, you can't just jump out of bed"
"Alright but at least move out of this room for god sake"
"I'm quite fond of this room" Fletch said brushing his lips across her knuckles
Jac rolled her eyes.
"I'll go and grab Roxanna" he said
Moving out of this room was symbolic for Jac. A step further away from the trial, a step towards recovery.
"Hi" said Roxanna entering the room with Fletch "did you want to see me?"
"I want to be out of this room" Jac said firmly
"Oh Erm well, I don't see why not. I'll see what I can do"
"As soon as possible please"
Roxanna nodded and left the room.
"I really need to go and pick my crew up from my mum's" I said heading to the door "I'll see you tomorrow ok"
"Hey mister, aren't you forgetting something?"
Jac teased
Grinning he approached her bed "of course I haven't forgotten"
He kissed her briefly. As he ended the kiss Jac pulled a hurt face and stuck her bottom lip out in a scowl "that's it?"
"That's it for now. I don't want to get carried away. Always leave them wanting more" he said "Bye gorgeous" Jac could hear his chuckles as he walked down the corridor. She laughed despite herself and was shocked by the wave of emotion that washed over her when it came to Fletch.
Roxanna came back in
"All sorted, we can move you in the next half an hour" she nodded to the corridor "he sounds happy"
"He's like an over excited puppy sometimes"
"Puppies are very loveable"
"Yes they are" Jac said "and equally annoying at times"
"I can't imagine what is was like to see your husband die" Jac said with uncharacteristic sympathy
Roxanna smiled sadly "I certainly miss him. That's why I invested so much time in Ollie and why I don't want anything to go wrong for you Jac"
"Gaskell wouldn't give me a straight answer when I asked if this would kill me. What do you think?"
"The procedure has led to the deaths of others but they were in poorer health in general. Apart from your back you're pretty healthy"
"Yeah me and my one kidney, ovarian cysts and endometriosis. Physical perfection"
"You're strong enough Jac. Your immune system isn't compromised" Roxanna paused "I can't give you any guarantees though"
"Do you think I did the right thing telling Fletch how I feel. I didn't want to die without him knowing but now I think it was a bit unfair of me"
"Jac, what Fletch feels for you wouldn't change and if , god forbid, you died I think it would give him some comfort to know you felt the same"
"I hope you're right. I hope I haven't made it harder for him"
Roxanna lightly touched Jac's arm "you're just gonna have to live then aren't you"

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