Jac goes home

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Fletch arrived on the ward bright and early. Jac was already sitting by her bed waiting impatiently.
"Hi. Looks like you're ready"
"Looks like it yeah"
Jac fought back a smile as Fletch just laughed at her sarcasm.
It wasn't long before they were back at Jac's house. Fletch had gone round last night and made sure there were basic provisions. He'd tidied round a bit, not that there was much to tidy. Jac's house was quite minimalist
"Nice place" he commented. The nearest he'd ever been to being inside Jac's house was one time in the winter when her car broke down at work. He wasn't even invited in for a cuppa
"Oh thanks"
"My house is chaos all the time"
"Well with four kids I'm not surprised" she chuckled.
He walked over and gave her a hug.
"Well it's about time" Jac commented
"Still struggling to believe I'm not going to get my face slapped for doing this" he said and brought his lips down to hers. "It's just so new" he commented
"And yet so familiar"
"Well that's because It. Should. Have. Happened. Months. Ago " he punctuated each word with a kiss
"And that's my fault right"
He drew her closer "well I think we could probably take joint responsibility Naylor. Right now sit down, I am going to make some tea"
"Yessir" Jac  saluted and did as she was told
As he pottered in the kitchen, Jac lay her head back on the sofa. I guess being shot has had a silver lining she mused. I mean Fletch, in my kitchen, making tea, staying with me whilst I recover. Unbelievable really
"Cuppa Jac. Jac" he interrupted her daydreaming.
"Oh sorry. Thanks babe"
Babe? Where the fuck did that come from
"Babe?" He teased
"I don't know why" Jac laughed out loud
Fletch looked at her with his thinking face on
"I like it. But what am I going to call you?"
"Nothing if you know what's good for you"
"Well can't be ice queen anymore because I've melted you"
Jac rolled her eyes as he knew she would
"Not if you're fond of your balls"
He chuckled
"Ms Naylor. Only if I'm in trouble Adrian"
He knew that she only ever called him Adrian when she was annoyed with him
"Hun? Sweetheart? Darling or just Jac"
"Just Jac"
"I'll think of something. Do you want to go for a walk before lunch?"
"Or we could....." Jac said running her hand up and down his thigh
"I don't want to hurt you" he closed his eyes and moaned softly as her hand crept higher
"There's more than one way to skin a cat Fletch" she shuffled over and kissed him. Taking him unawares because he still had his eyes shut.
"Didn't you make some promise about 'wait till I get you home' or was it just all talk?"
"Well I didn't think it would be this soon" he complained
"Fletch I could be dead in a month.take me upstairs and let's have the type of fun that if we're honest we have wanted for a very long time"
"Firstly you're not going to die, second which one's your bedroom, third you tell me if you have any pain and fourth will you respect me in the morning?"
Jac guffawed at the last one " who says I respect you now"
"Charming"said Fletch standing up "now about that bedroom"
They made their way slowly upstairs, kissing and caressing each other.
Fletch was nervous. He was no saint and had never had a problem before but this was Jac. Jac Naylor - bloody hell. And she had just had surgery so they were going to have to be creative.
"Fletch you ok?" He seemed miles away she thought
"Yes fine. More than fine" he said as she led him into the bedroom. He pulled her abruptly into an embrace and began nuzzling her neck. Ok so it was one of his standard moves but she didn't know that and god, it sounded like she enjoyed it. Her moans got him instantly aroused  "Oh my god Jac" he mumbled breathlessly against her neck.
She responded by reaching for his belt buckle and began undressing him whilst he had snaked his hands into her top and was relishing the feeling of her smooth white skin under his fingers.
Jac's sexual encounters were often frantic, and almost clinical in 'getting the job done' but with Fletch she wanted the foreplay to be long and almost torturous before they gave in to whichever way they were going to achieve their release.

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