I can't stop grinning

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He made his way quickly to Jac's room. He bumped into Roxanna on the way
"You ok Fletch?"
"Yeah fine. You didn't waste any time informing the CEO of developments down here. You did know that Abigail and I have been seeing each other"
Roxanna gasped and her hand went to her mouth "oh my god no I didn't know. She just wanted to be kept informed of Jac's progress. You were quite an important part"
"Don't worry. I went straight up to see her as soon as Jac and I finally admitted to loving each other. I'm not prepared to cheat on either of them"
"Still I apologise"
"I'm ok to sit with her?"
"Of course" Roxanna smiled
Fletch entered the room
"Hey Naylor"
"Hey" she flashed a very rare full beam Naylor smile
He bent to kiss her and then took a seat
"How you doing?" He paused  "I'm sorry I can't stop grinning" he laughed
She let out a laugh which turned into a snort
"Oh 'ello" he chuckled reminding them both of when this had happened the day they spoke about going to the zoo with Emma and the Fletchlings.
"You remember that day?" Jac said
"Of course"
"I had such a warm glow inside me when we said we'd go to the zoo together"
"And later that day everything just went pear shaped"
"That's all water under the bridge Fletch. Just know that my feelings for you have been rumbling along for a while. It took me thinking I was at death's door to admit it"
"I love you" he leaned in to kiss her again, this time with more passion. She was running her hands slowly up and down his broad shoulders and arms. His hand raked through her hair, deepening the kiss with each passing minute.
"Stop" she managed to murmur "we can't do that here"
"I know" he said cheekily nipping her bottom lip  "but wait till I get you home"
Jac shivered with anticipation. She regarded him as if really seeing him for the first time.
"You know you really are rather handsome Mr Fletcher and you have amazing eyes"
"And you've only just noticed?"
"Ah now I didn't say that" she teased "just thought it was about time I told you"
"Are you fishing for a return compliment"
"No" she said indignantly
"Well you don't need to fish. I have always thought you were beautiful and kinda sexy when you're off on a rant"
"Off on a rant? Me? I'm sure I don't know what you mean" she grinned "oh wait no that IS me. Queen bitch right?"
"Wrong. Pussy cat in the right hands"
He  took her hands and kissed each palm.
Jac yawned "I'm feeling sleepy again. Will you stay?"
She settled down. Fletch was half lying in the bed, half on the hard plastic chair with his head resting against her legs which he kissed and gently stroked as she dropped off to sleep. He hadn't realised how exhausted he was until he felt himself drift off too.

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