This should feel a lot weirder

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Later they got up and went to collect Emma. Fletch's mum had already collected Theo.
Emma was excited to have her mummy home and she loved Fletch, he always made her laugh.
They played games and Fletch made pasta bake for tea. Jac surveyed the scene of domesticity as Fletch read Emma a bedtime story.
"Mummy can you and Fletch put me to bed"
"OK baby. Go up and brush your teeth and we'll be up in a second"
Emma skipped off
"Thanks for this Fletch" she hugged him
Hugs instigated by Jac Naylor were rare things
"It's no problem" he hugged her back and kissed the top of her head
"You need help up the stairs?"
"I didn't need a hand earlier"
"Hmm we made very slow progress up the stairs though if I remember rightly"
"I remember" she kissed him. "Come on I might need  to lean on you"
They made their way up and found Emma asitting on her bed
"Is Fletch going to put you to bed Mummy, because he's here to help me look after you isn't he?"
Fletch chewed the inside of his cheek to stop himself laughing
"Yes baby. He'll help me whilst you're asleep. Time for bed now, in you get"
Jac and Fletch made their way back downstairs
"This should feel a lot weirder than it does" Jac said
"I know. It feels completely normal doesn't it"
"It's mental how much has changed since that awful day"
"I lost Raf and I nearly lost you but some good came out of it"
"Mmm" Jac yawned "I think today has taken it out of me more than I thought. I'm whacked"
"Ok let me just tidy the kitchen and we'll go up"
Fletch stayed for a week during which time Jac became stronger. At the end of the week she told him that he should go home to his children.
"Are you sure you'll be ok?"
"Yes I'm fine. Your children need you Fletch. Go"
"You know where I am if you need me, Day or night. Promise?"
"Don't worry, I'll be straight on the phone for anything"
They shared a lingering kiss as he left.
Jac pottered around in the house which felt empty and soulless without Fletch
I wish he was here all the time she thought. Bloody hell Naylor - calm down.
Fletch went home to his children - they all knew how he felt about Jac and were pleased that they were finally together
"Why don't you ask her to move in Dad?" asked Evie
"Whoa, we've only just got together"
"Yeah but Dad, it's not like you're strangers. You've been in love with the woman for months, and haven't you spent the last week at hers"
"That's different. I was looking after her when she was discharged"
"Yeah right and that's all?"
"And that's all"
"OK Dad you keep telling yourself that" Evie rolled her eyes
Fletch set about making tea. Evie's comments got him thinking about what it would be like living with Jac and Emma and try as he might he couldn't think of any reason why it wasn't a fantastic idea. Other than Jac being Ms Independent.
Eventually it was bedtime and Jac wanted to speak to him before she went to sleep
Fletch jumped when his phone rang and panicked when the caller ID told him it was Jac
"Jac, What's happened? What wrong? Are you OK? I'll be straight round"
He was already on his feet
"Fletch, calm down" Jac laughed "I just wanted to speak to you before bedtime you fool"
Fletch breathed a sigh of relief and sat back down
"Blimey Jac, you scared the living daylights out of me. What did you want to speak to me about"
Jac was suddenly embarrassed
"Erm, nothing. I just wanted to hear your voice before I went to sleep" she cringed, wishing she hadn't picked up the phone
Fletch's heart swelled
"That's nice" he said softly, deciding not to ridicule her for it
"Of course. I'm going to tell you that I love you now"
"Go on then" she laughed
"I love you Jac"
"And I love you, but this conversation is going to make me puke so. Good night Fletch"
"I knew the real Jac Naylor wasn't far beneath the surface. Good night"
As they both hung up, each looked at the phone soppily.
As Jac brushed her teeth, she realised that she hadn't had any disturbing dreams in the week that Fletch had stayed at hers.
Smiling to herself she got into bed, shattered. Sleep came almost instantly and with it she was suddenly back in the church yard, wedding dress on, church bells ringing cheerily but still she was alone

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