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It was still early but Jac reached for her phone and called Jonny.
"Jac? What is it? Is everything alright" an early morning phone was rarely good news. She could hear the panic in Jonny's voice
"No no everything's fine. I'm just missing Emma and I wanted you to drop her off to see me"
"And you couldn't wait to tell me that until a reasonable hour"
There we go normal service resumed. Hostility
"I'm sorry" Jac said with uncharacteristic sincerity when it came to Jonny "will you bring her?"
"Well I have to go to work later so I can't stay. Who shall I leave her with. Sacha?"
"I'll ask him. Or Fletch might be able to help out"
"Fletch? As in Fletch. Adrian Fletcher. What's he got to do with Emma?"
Jac remembered that the two were not exactly best mates. Some kind of mess with Colette who had left Fletch on their wedding day and who berated Jac for the way she treated nurses. Jonny was good friends with her. It was all a bit hazy to be honest
"Well, I suppose you'll find out sooner or later - we are together"
Jonny burst out laughing "are you joking?"
"No" Jac said indignantly
"Seriously, you and Fletch that is crazy" he carried on laughing "he's a cheating cockney wide boy comedian" he continued to guffaw
"Oh fuck off Jonny just get my daughter to me" she hung up.
"And good morning to you sunshine" Fletch said catching the last sentence of the phone call and witnessing her hanging up angrily. True to his word he had got up extra early so that he could see her before his shift.
"Hi" she said grumpily. Melting a little as he placed a brief kiss on her cross lips. Lips that could produce such venom but also words of love. Jac's feistiness was one of the things he loved most about her and he loved laughing at her feistiness because it got her really angry and god she was sexy when she was angry. He grinned to himself as this internal thought process played out in his head.
"I brought coffee and croissants" he placed them on the tray "wasn't even sure you'd be awake. I was just planning to sit and watch you sleep and scare the bejesus out of you when you woke up to find my ugly mug watching you"
"Well that would've been creepy" Jac laughed. Her bad mood dissolved by this crazy man
"What was all that about then?" He asked taking a huge bite out of his croissant
"Had another dream last night"
"Was I in it?" He interrupted
"Briefly. You were at least trying to look after me but then you disappeared. I was so cold, locked out as people discussed trying to save me. Then I heard Sacha saying that they had to do so something because I had a little girl. When I woke up I needed to arrange to see her and rang Jonny " she cringed "probably was a bit early in retrospect and I ended up telling him about us"
"Oh I bet that went down well"
"Hmmm not really. He thinks you're a 'cheating cockney wide boy comedian'"
"In fairness that is quite a good assessment of the old me. But I am a reformed character. Ever since Nat  died and i've had sole responsibility for the Fletchlings "
He took Jac's hand  "I'm happy to help out with  Emma"
"I knew you would be babe. You two have a little mutual fan club going on"
He grinned "She's a great kid . So are you going to ring Jonny back to make arrangements"
Jac made a face."I'm gonna get Sacha to do it"
"Guilty as charged"
"I'd better be going. Let me know if you want anything or need help with Emma ok? I'm coming back at lunch"
"Just don't bring one of your disgusting sandwiches" Jac said in all seriousness
Fletch just laughed at her and left whistling.
He was swiftly replaced by Roxanna. Only Fletch would get away with calling the eminent neuro surgeon Roxy
"Morning Jac. How did you sleep"
"Dreams again" Jac shrugged "I think I'm seeing my daughter today. When do you think I can get out? I don't want to languish here forever"
"Well, so far so good. Tomorrow? We will still need to keep an a close eye on you though" Roxanna knew that the complications that had killed other patients didn't become apparent until a few days after surgery. Do you have anyone at home to help out"
"No" Jac replied. "I manage perfectly well by myself"
"I know but you might need a little extra  support at first." She paused "maybe Fletch?" She said hesitantly
"If by support you mean annoying me,making me watch football and listen to stupid jokes then yeah Fletch is perfect for the job"
Roxanna smirked "if you say so Jac. We both know he would move heaven and earth to look after you and make sure you're safe"
Jac's face reddened "I know" she said quietly. That would mean asking for help which did not come easy to Jac "I'll speak to him at lunchtime"

Jac's dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now