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Emma enjoyed seeing mummy not in pain.  Not grumpy and laughing with Fletch.
"Mummy is Fletch your boyfriend?" She asked as they sat eating an ice cream
Jac and Fletch looked at each other
"Erm I don't know baby. What do you think Fletch"
Fletch looked at Emma "do you think it would be ok  if I was your mummy's boyfriend"
He's so good with Emma thought Jac
Emma took a thoughtful lick of her ice cream
"I think that would be OK"
"OK then I'm going to be your mummy's boyfriend. Is that alright mummy" Fletch asked  Jac cheekily
"Idiot" replied Jac secretly loving it "Anyway sweetheart, the doctors say I can come home tomorrow and Fletch is coming to help you look after me for a little while"
"But mummy I can look after you by myself " said Emma indignantly
"I know baby but look at Fletch's disappointed hurt puppy face"  Jac kicked him and he pulled a face which could indeed only be described as a hurt puppy. Emma laughed
"I can't stand to look at that all the time so will you let him help you. Pleeeeeese"
Emma squealed with laughter at Jac saying  please like a toddler
"He can help mummy"
"Yay" Fletch "high five? Fist pump?Hug?"
"Hug" she decided. She gave her ice cream to Jac to hold whilst she jumped into Fletch's open arms as he picked her up and swung her round.
Jac realised it was a long time since she'd seen Emma laugh like that and being part of the cause as well made Jac happy and it was all due to the man currently complaining dramatically about being dizzy and pretending to struggle to stand up.
"So Daddy is going to take you home tonight and bring you to crèche in the morning and me and Fletch will pick you up and take you home. OK?"
"OK" Emma accepted the plan
"Come on Naylor ladies, time to go back to the ward. Emma can you hold Mummy's hand to make sure she's ok"
He knew that making her feel involved and like she was helping would ease her anxieties about Jac's health.
When they got back to the ward Fletch explained that he thought it best if he made himself scarce when Jonny was due.
"See you tomorrow scamp" he said ruffling Emma's hair
"Bye Fletch"
"I'll drop in to say good night later" he leant forward and kissed Jac lightly. Emma stood and stared - grinning widely.
In his office Fletch was relieved to have had his last minute leave approved by Abigail. Judging by how closely she was monitoring Jac's progress via Roxanna he assumed that she would know why he needed it,
He spent a couple of hours catching up on admin which would make life a lot easier when he came back, "Right Ms Naylor" he said turning his computer off "I'm all yours"
In every way possible he thought to himself.
Back on the ward Emma had just gone.
"Hey you OK?" He asked Jac pulling her in for a hug
"I'm just exhausted. I haven't really done anything" she complained
"Well that's why Roxy wanted you to have some support. Now you'll have two little helpers"
"Oh thanks for that with Emma earlier. It's important that she doesn't get scared of my problems and she lurves you"
"Ah well she is very clever your daughter. She recognises a buffoon when she's sees one and buffoons are very loveable"
"You are a buffoon"
Fletch just laughed
"Well I'm going to let you get your beauty sleep and I'll see you tomorrow. Do you want to give me a house key so I can get some basic provisions in"
"Wow, I have never let anyone have a key before. And you know what - I am totally ok with you having one. My bag's in the locker over there, the key is in the side pocket "
Fletch got the key and  returned to her bed side
"I think that this" he gestured between them "is going to be special"
She simply placed her hands on either side of his face and kissed him deeply.
"I think you're right. Now go home Fletcher. I will see you tomorrow"
Fletch left reluctantly and Jac settled down for the night, happier than she had been for a very long time. Sleep came quickly and with it more dreams.

Jac's dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now