Lines of coffins

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Jac slipped back into her dream world. She could almost feel the sun on her face in the church yard. She was alone. She shaded her eyes and looked into the distance. No one. She strained her ears. Silence. It was disconcerting, Jac had a heavy dark feeling that something was wrong. She made her way to the church, still wearing her wedding dress. Pristine. Untouched. Ice queen.
Jac turned as she heard the church door swing open. She was drawn to the dark building. Inside there were lines of coffins. Gaskell was standing at the head of them
"Is one of those mine?"" Jac asked shakily
Gaskell disappeared
"Is one of them mine?" she shouted "no no no"
"Don't give up Jac. Fight. Fight for us. Fight for you, fight for Emma"
Jac squinted, in the darkness she could make out the hunched over figure of Fletch. Was he praying? He looked broken
"I will fight Fletch. I will fight for all of it. Fletch can you hear me? Fletch I will fight, I will fight"
Back on the ward Fletch had woken up to the sound of Jac frantically saying that she would fight and saying his name
Fletch got onto the bed next to her and stroked her hair
"Ssshh Jac. Come on. I'm here, wake up sweetheart" he carefully held her in his arms, mindful of her recent surgery and the wound. He kissed the top of her head. "Jac wake up babe please"
All of a sudden Jac stopped thrashing around. As she woke up she struggled to make sense of where she was and who was holding her.
"I'm here Jac"
"You were in my dream again. I think you were praying"
"Praying? For what?"
"For me to fight, not give up. Fight for us, for Emma"
"You were mumbling about that in your sleep and frantically thrashing around. Were you really frightened?"
"I still am. Terrified. Thanks for being here Fletch"
"I told you I will always be here until you wish I would give you a minute's peace. I hereby undertake the task of giving a shit about you"
"Well it's not thankless now. Don't let me push you away Fletch,whatever stupid reasons i give. I am scared I'm going to die. There were lines of coffins in my dream . Gaskell was at the head of them and when I asked if one of them was mine he disappeared"

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