When will i be rid of them?

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Am I destined to always be alone thought Jac. She spied a bench and sat down, wondering what was to happen next
The bells were suddenly silent. Fletch came running out of the church
Are you coming or not? Jac, come on
She found she couldn't move her legs. Feet stuck to the ground
Fletch I can't move she said panicking
What do you mean you can't move. Stop messing around. Come on we're running out of time
I really really can't move she cried
So you don't want me after all
Fletch I do want you, desperately I just can't move. Help me please, help me
Fletch starts making his way over and stood before her. Silent. His face expressionless. Then with one last look he turned and walked away
Please don't go Fletch
Jac woke with a start - heart pounding, hyperventilating. She wiggled her toes and flexed her legs. To her relief they seemed fine
"God, will I ever be rid of these fucking dreams"
A small voice inside her head reminded her that she did not have any of these dreams when Fletch stayed last week.
Jac managed to drift off into a fitful slumber and was woken by her phone at 7.30
"Morning Sunshine"
Despite the lack of sleep and early hour Jac smiled at Fletch's voice
"That's what you settled on then is it - sunshine?"
He laughed "fits your sunny disposition"
Jac snorted "right"
"How did you sleep?"
"Erm ..."
"Don't tell me the dreams are back"
"'Fraid so"
"Oh I'm sorry. You want me to come over"
Yes I want you here all the time she thought
"No no don't be silly. You could pick Emma up on the way and drop her at crèche if you don't mind. I think I need some time to myself today"
"Of course. See you later"
Jac got Emma ready and right on time Fletch arrived to take her.
He noticed that Jac was still in her nightwear
"You gonna go back to bed?"
"Yeah just for a bit"
He leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek, whispering in her ear
"Wish I could join you"
Jac blushed "off you go. Bye everybody"
Jac sat finishing a cup of tea. She realised she didn't feel great, her hands were shaking and she felt disorientated, nauseous
I just need a lie down was the last thought to cross her mind before she slumped to the floor unconscious

Jac's dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now