Chapter 8

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"Hey Mave," Luke called out using a new nickname he thought of all of 30 seconds ago, "Look!"

He did some weird karate kick as I laughed.

If I didn't know better I would think he was drunk off his ass.

Luke and I left the venue about thirty minutes ago.

We were aimlessly walking the streets looking for a diner or a McDonalds. I told him that we should just go the way I know, but he insisted on going a new way to start a new adventure.

We've learnt some basic facts about each other disregarding everything that happened last night. He acted as if it had never happened.

I've learned that he's obsessed with penguins, has two brothers, and can eat about all day if he wanted to.

He told me the story of the band and all that other shit that was mandatory for introductions.

I haven't told him much about me though. There isn't much to tell.

I kept trying to ask new questions so the subject wouldn't be turned to me and I would have to start answering them.

I'd simply just ask about another thing to distract him from turning the conversation on me.

But I couldn't do it forever.

The questions finally came.

"So, tell me about yourself Miss Mavery," an attempted British accent was present.

"Well Luke, my name is Mavery and I'm 17." I prayed he wouldn't ask more even though obviously he would.

He gave me a blank look.

I hit his shoulder.


"Sorry but you told me what I already knew! What's your hobbies? Interests? Friends? Stories of embarrassment?" He kept going on with other things I could tell him.

I couldn't tell him anything. Literally my life was I went home slept and then went to work. All the time in between I've either tried to hurt myself or fell into pity of my terrible life.

It was no way a normal person lived. I rarely went out and basically had zero friends to go out with.

My mom doesn't give two shits about me.

My past wasn't a happy one and I wasn't a happy person. I don't even know why Luke was sort of being nice to me.

Luke's fingers waving in front of my face disrupted my thoughts.

"Earth to Mave? Hobbies? Interests?" He questioned.

He looked at me for a moment,

"You're one of those mysterious girls aren't you?"

My brow furrowed.

"What?" my voice cluelessly rang out.

He shrugged kicking a rock on the ground,

"You're one of those girls that no one knows anything about. You have high walls built around you and don't just pour your feelings out. You have secrets, you're guarded."

"You make me sound like I'm from a horribly written fictional novel." I joked trying to lighten the mood. This wasn't exactly how I imagined this to go. Not some deep conversation while roaming the empty streets. Now that sounded like a fictional novel. Some fairytale.

However, it worked. Luke cracked a smile.

I tried to change the subject again.

"So where are we going exactly?"

Luke shrugged and put his hands up.

"Who knows! I feel so free. For months I've been trapped in either hotel rooms or buses. Don't get me wrong my life is amazing but you just don't have privacy or free time anymore. I haven't seen my family in months and I'm under all this pressure. I love the fans and all but sometimes it just drains you."

I nodded trying to relate to it, but truly we were both very different.

I would never know the feeling of a million fans loving you, and the experience of traveling around the world and selling out shows.

But I can relate to the part about being drained. Being mentally drained hurts 100 times more than being physically drained.

You're never motivated to do things and you always feel tired. Never wanna get up and you hate it.

The street lights were bright as we explored trying to find something to eat, but to be honest I was filled with too many butterflies to eat anything right now.

The feeling that Luke gave me when he was around was exhilarating. He made me feel alive. My heart speeds up whenever he's around, my cheeks flush, and he just makes me melt inside.

It's weird to think that I didn't know who he was about 50 hours ago. Now we're roaming the streets like idiots, just having a good time. Just a couple of strangers trying to get to know each other.

Sure, these feelings could be temporary, they could just be a little crush.

Luke may just be another simple crush that will pass over in a while.

But in these moments, I've never felt more alive.


ayy more fillers

can I get a hell yeah..? lol no.

sorry guys works got me all busy and shit

it's a pretty shitty chapter and it's all over the place but like

i'm trying to get basics and stuff done - introductions and shit

so sorry but it will get better hang in there plz

ily - unedited sorryyyyy

Also I've definitely said and shit about 3000 times

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