Chapter 19

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I opened my eyes to the bright sun. No. I refuse to wake up. I've woken up a few times during the night, just to the thought of me facing everyone today.

Ha remember when I was just having fun and dancing with Drew? Yeah I do too.

I replayed the scenes in my head as yesterday's memories flooded through my mind. Everything was in total chaos and everything was a mess. Within days my live went from boring to super crazy. I sort of just want to be in my own bed right now. On the left a clock read 1:35. Shit I slept past noon. My plan was to leave early in the morning and sneak out without waking Michael up but then again I really didn't think through the plan. I remember what happened last time I snuck away, oops.

I lay there in the white sheets just thinking. Thinking of what to say, what to do. My mind was everywhere at the moment and honestly I was just tired of thinking in general. I closed my eyes thinking of just recently when my life hadn't been turned upside down. I don't understand how it could just disappear so quickly and change within days. I decided to check my phone I was playing the stupid maze runner game ((since my undying love of dylan o'brien is real)) when a message popped up.

Avocado Drew:
Kiwi girl, how you holding up?

I smiled, as I typed back

Kiwi Girl:
Alright, still haven't gone to face any of them yet 😁.

Avocado Drew:
C'mon girl, grow some balls for god sake!1!1!!.

Kiwi Girl:
Oh shut up

I locked my phone as I heard a small knock on my door. I tossed my phone onto the nightstand an snuggled back into the sheets as if I were asleep. I heard the door slowly open and shut in on movement. I prayed they just opened and door and shut it. However, I felt a dip in the bed as someone called name.

"Mavery." The voice was soft, "Mavery I know you're awake."

I opened my eyes surrendering. Next to me sat a very sad looking Calum. The bags under his eyes gave away the lack of sleep.

I tried to smile, "Hi Cal," I quietly whispered.

It looked like he was on the verge of tears.
"What's wrong?" I asked still lying down looking into his brown eyes.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault all this happened." He started to sniffle but refused to let tears drop from his eyes.

I immediately sat up and went to hug him. I wrapped my arms around him and he went to wipe a year from his eye.

"No Calum, don't you dare say that."

He slighty pushed me away as he rose from the bed. "No, no Mavery, it is my fault! I'm the one who forced you to hang out with us. I'm the one who broke your phone. I'm literally the entire cause of this damn problem!" He raised his arms up, but quickly let them fall as he went to wipe another tear from his eye.

I looked at him and sighed. He was too hard on himself.

"Cal," I looked up to see his glimmering eyes starting back at mine, "come and sit down, again please," I pleaded.

He dropped his shoulders and slumpped back over to me and sat down.

I wiped another tear from his eye as he turned his body to face mine.

I put both my hands of his shoulders, "This is not your fault. None of this is your fault. Do you understand me?" The sad boy who sat in front of me nodded his head slowly.

"I met Luke before I met you. This would have happened anyway."

He shook his head, "No. None of this would have happened if I didn't make you come to our dressing room later."

I tried to think as I sighed, "Look Cal," I looked down, "Sure I may have not gone out with Luke and maybe this disaster could have been avoided, but you know what would have also been avoided? Me meeting you guys and having one of the best nights of my life. Without you I wouldn't have actually enjoyed myself for once. You gave me something I couldn't even give myself when I tried, and I thank you for that."

I smiled and pulled Calum into a hug. I rested my chin on his shoulder as I heard his sniffling diminish.

He pulled away gently as he wiped his tear stained cheeks.

He managed to choke out a laugh as he began, "You know you're pretty good at pep talks."

I flipped my hair, "I try my best, now Mr.Hood, anything else going in that rockstar mind?"

"Just that I'm hella hungry." He stated staring at his stomach.

"Did you just say hella?"

He wiggled his eyebrows, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

Pushing him off the bed with my foot I shouted, "You're so weird!"

"Haha but at least the weirdo has waffles in the next room!" He shouted as he sprinted towards the door.

Oh no he didn't. I sprang off the bed as I tried to beat him to the door. I jumped on his back as he reached for the handle.

"No!" I yelled playfully as I also reached for the door. Unfortunately, he was stronger and opened the door first. But as he opened the door, I felt myself falling off his back. The next thing I knew I was on the ground with a huge bruise on my face. On the way down my face hit the doorknob on the door.

"Ow!" I screamed as I hit the floor. Calum quickly turned around as he saw what had just unraveled.

Suddenly the door busted open and once again like a déjà vu moment Luke came storming in. I saw the rage build in his face as he saw my cheek was bruised.

"Dude what the hell?!" He screamed at Calum stomping over to him, "What did you do?!"

Luke quickly grabbed Calum by the collar and slammed him into a wall.

"I swear to god if you laid a fucking hand on her," he started.

I rolled my eyes as I pushed myself up from the ground and gripped Luke's shoulder yanking him to face towards me and let go of Calum.

"He did nothing!" I wasn't even afraid to see him anymore, I was more annoyed.

"You know Luke, you can't come barging in, yelling, and starting fights with everyone I talk to. You don't own me, I don't even understand why you care. I was a play toy to you and while you were probably fucking some random bimbo Calum was actually being nice to me and giving a shit maybe you should try it sometime." With that I grabbed Calum's hand and dragged him towards the door.

Man did I need to do something fun.


Hi Guys!! Sorry it's been so long school's got me like dying.

Here's another chapter and thanks guys for like 3k you rock and ily all

unedited and sorry it will get better just gotta establish things first but then we'll get the ball rolling

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