Chapter 11

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To think I was so stupid. I was such a dumbass. To think that a guy like Luke would ever be into a loser like me. I can't believe that I was so foolish.

For the second time in what seems like forever I tried to avoid Luke as much as I could. If I would say so myself I did a good job for the beginning of the night. I tried to stay with Callie as much as I could.

Halfway to through the show Callie started asking questions,

"So what's going on with you and that Luke guy?" She wiggled her eyebrows as she spoke.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed,

"Absolutetly nothing."

"Girl, I thought he liked you. Yesterday whenever you were in the same room as him, he couldn't take his eyes off you."

Although, I shouldn't have let it, those words made me feel warm inside. The thought of him made me smile, until I realized what happened.

I didn't reply.


The concert was over and as always this was the toughest. Luke would probably come looking for me. I was disgusted. The way he played me, I can't believe I fell for it. Obviously the huge rock star would fall for the small town girl. Even though it was inetivable I still felt like shit. Like c'mon. But then again I have to stop feeling sorry for myself. I mean, it makes me even more pathetic.

I got called to the main hall by Jill about 15 minutes after I finished cleaning everything. I tried to clean everything super slowly. I dusted everything about 10 times, wrapped wires for like an hour, and took down the merchandise for like two hours. I heard a large clash and snickered to myself that I wish it was Luke's head, but I kept organizing.

I was walking down to the main hall when I realized that I haven't seen Ethan in a while. Ever since he kissed me, he's avoided me like the plague. Whenever I delivered wires or anything to sound Fred just said he was out or doing something, but I rarley saw him. It was weird. I always used to see him and sometimes he would even help me with the stage afterwards.

Before I could even see Jill, a familiar blonde head popped up.  To my favor, his back was turned towards me talking to one of the stage managers. I looked around for Jill but I couldn't see her. I wasn't religious but I prayed that Luke wouldn't turn around. Apparently my prayers weren't answered because within the next minute I steped on a broken pieces of glass which went through my skin implaing my foot. My shoes were in my backpack and I obviously didn't think I needed them until this moment. A piercing scream echoed through everyone's ears as I fell to the ground. Luke was the first to notice me.

He ran over to me quite quickly. I couldn't decide if I wanted to slap him across the face or never speak to him again, but I was a little preoccupied with the shards of glass sticking out of my foot.

"Fuck" I muttered about a thousand times analyzing the glass in my foot. There was blood gushing out of it and my foot was throbbing.

Calum and Michael soon appeared and people started to gather around me.

As more people came close to me, my breaths started to become shorter. I was being surrounded by lots of people and a million questions flew at me one by one. I felt as if my throat was closing. I suddenly became dizzy. Luke noticed me practically hyperventalating and screamed at everyone to back up. Instantaneously I felt two arms lift me up, supporting my back and my body. I was about to swat their arms away, expecting it to be Luke, until I saw two recognizable brown eyes. I closed my eyes as I dug my head further into Calum's chest as I heard Michael scream for a first aid kit and a trainer.

The pain in foot was throbbing by the time they got me to their dressing room. Cal brought me over to the bathroom counter and sat down. I hissed as he sat down. He kept telling me it was alright and that the trainer was coming while I was secured in his arms. Luke was standing by the door, as Michael came running in with the trainer.

"Mavery, the trainers here," Cal cooed in my ears.

I didnt open my eyes. The pain was shooting through my foot by now.

"He's going to take the glass out ok? It might hurt a little bit."

I nodded.

As he pulled each fragment of glass out I hissed and dugged my head into Cal more. A few tears escaped my closed eyes and I went to brush them away immediately. I didn't want to look like a wimp. Also the fact that being near Luke as he watched me get glass pulled out of my foot made me want to throw up. Like other than the fact that my foot was like cut open and hurt like a fucking knife being near Luke was a second close to the pain level.

My foot was soon bandaged and to my relief I didn't need to get stitches. The trianer gave me pain medication as I thanked him and told me I should sleep for a little bit. I felt myself being lifted once again and brought into a room with a couch. I opened my eyes a little bit and placed a small soft kiss onto Cal's cheek. I smiled, and whispered a quick "Thank you" into his ear.

Cal's quiet chuckling was the last thing I heard before I drifted off into a deep sleep.


lol hi guys sorry it's like really baddddd

sorry it's unedited and all the spelling sucks

but ya like Cal's a cutie and like Mavery sucks at being subtle


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