Chapter 15

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I was gathering my bag together as I was headed down to the main entrance to finally leave this place.

I had made so many memories here, meeting everyone and hanging out with Callie. Out of everyone I'll miss her the most. She was the closest thing I've ever had as a friend and we honestly just clicked. As dumb as that sounds, we really were good friends.

I heard sniffles behind me as I turned my time card in for the last time.

Behind me stood a tear stained faced Callie holding her arms to her chest. After a few moments she came and ran over to me embracing me in a hug letting the tears run down her face. As bad as it seems I mean at least I'm finally not the one crying into somebody. I feel like that has replayed for the past 3 days over and over and over again.

"I'm so so so sorry" Callie choked out between sobs.

I hugged her tightly, "It's okay" I whispered barley audible.

We hugged for a while and then Callie sniffled for the last time.

"Oh my god," she said wiping her tears, "I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's cool," I said giving her a small smile.

"I can't believe she fired you!" Callie spoke getting quite angry.

"Callie it's okay," I reassured her.

Her gentle lips frowned as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"So what are you gonna do?"

That question haunts me. I had absolutely no idea on what I was going to do.

"I'll probably try and find a new job," I honestly admitted, "I have to find a way to pay for all the bills."

Callie knew about my mom. She knew I was practically on my own.

"Maybe I can talk to Jill and-" she started but I soon stopped her.

"Callie it's fine, honestly. I don't even know if I still want to work here. Everyone just saw me practically like almost rip Ethan's face off and go ballistic." I joked.

She chuckled a little, "yeah, yeah I guess so."

"I promise I'll come by I mean it's not like I'm banned, I'm just fired."

Callie nodded and gave me one last hug before I started my way down to the main stage.

I passed the boys dressing room once again. It made me think of the first night I met them, even though it wasn't long ago they sure had made an impression.

Michael would not give up on his gummy bears and Calum made me dance with him to where did the party go.

Ashton was always fun to joke around with and then that left Luke. The boy who stole and broke my heart within days. The one who comforted me and the one I hated. Do I still hate him? I don't even know what to think. I'll never see him again though, it's weird how one person can change you.

Just heading towards the door I didn't know what to do. I can't go back and I have no money I am basically screwed.

As I took my final steps out the door I turned around. This was the last time I'd have to come early for rehearsal and set up. I mean it wasn't the greatest job but it was cool. I sighed. I went to turn around but someone had thrown a blindfold over my head and I felt my body being lifted off the ground.

I started to scream but someone quickly covered my mouth. I was squirming as much as I could trying to get out of the persons grip.

This was it I'm gone, I'm dead. Honestly I wouldn't mind it at my life circumstances right now. I shifted by body weight left as I felt the cool air disappear. I tried to fling myself off the person who was currently holding me with one arm. We were inside something now. Finally I bit the persons hand and hit the hard ground and I heard a yelp.

"Ow! What the fuck?" The voice yelled. It was definitely familiar, but I couldn't tell who yet. The blindfold was still over my eyes.

I was about to scream again when the blindfold was removed from my eyes. Above me I saw a very angry Michael.

"Why the hell did you bite me?"

I stared at him with my jaw wide open before I snapped, "Why did you blindfold me and kidnap me!?" I yelled back.

"I technically didn't kidnap you far," he added.

I looked around. It was dark but it was light enough to see that we were on a bus. The 5SOS bus. What?

"Michel why did you have the need to blindfold me?" I questioned.

"Well you wouldn't have came if I was like 'Hey Mavery, come on the bus'."

"But you didn't have to blindfold me AND COVER MY MOUTH!" I Screamed.

He thought his fingers to my lips motioning me to be quiet.

He began to move towards the back of the bus with me in tow, but as soon as I felt the bus start moving I tried sprinting back to the front.

Michael grabbed my wrist not letting me get to the front.

"What the hell Michael!" I whispered yelled as I tried to escape his grip.

"You can't go yet."

He yanked my arm towards him as I finally agreed to not go and jump off the bus.

I sat on the small couch in the back.

"Michael what do you want?"

"What's going on with you and Luke and you and Cal?"

So many questions were thrown at me at once.

"There's nothing going on between any of us," I stated.

"Bullshit." He shot back straight away.

"Nothing is going on!" I yelled.

"Mavery you know that is not true."

I changed the subject, "When are you gonna go let me go home?"

He looked away from me as quick as possible.

"Michael? Michael what's going on."

"Uh," he stuttered, "I may have told everyone that your my personal assistant and you'll be traveling with us till the end of tour."

"Michael you idiot! I can't do that!" I was in shock. What? How?

"Relax Mavery, I have a plan."

Better be a damn good one.


This was all over the place I'm sorry

Sorry this was a crappy update

School can go suck my ass


Try to make a better update ASAP

This probably makes zero sense as well so

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