Chapter 9

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We ended up stopping by a small diner. I quickly inhaled the smell of coffee as Luke held the door open for me. A small petite lady helped us make our way to a small corner booth, placing the menu's in front of us. It was about 2am with only about two other people in the diner.

"Hey Mave," Luke started while browsing the menu, "you know what's weird?"

I looks up and tilted my head showing I was paying attention.

"This is the first time in months where I haven't been busy with the band. Of course I love them but I just need some space sometimes. I feel so free. There's no fans, or people trying to stalk me or anything." He smiled after he finished.
Man that smile. He's so cute.


By the time we were done with our food, we had lost track of time. It was getting to the mid hours of the early morning.

"What's your favorite childhood memory?" Luke curiously asked.

I thought a little bit. Well before my mom went crazy I actually had some good memories.

"Well," I started, "When I was younger my mom used to take me to this small little beach and I used to stand on the rocks and try to see the end of the ocean. And I used to look out at the horizon to try to see a green flash."

"What's a green flash?"

"It's when either when right after sunset or right before sunrise you can sometimes see a green spot above the upper rim of the sun."

"That sounds cool! Did you ever see it?"

I sighed.

"No I've never seen it. We stopped going after a couple years."

I'm leaving out the fact my mom doesn't give two shits about me.

I looked up to Luke, he was staring at me, those piercing beautiful blue eyes examining me. My cheeks instantly became red. He smiled.

"We should probably get going," Luke said as he brushed his jeans off and got up.

I did the same.

He paid and then we headed out.

As we exited the large doors, Luke headed left.

We continued walking for a little bit just talking about random things,

Luke's laughter rang out as he asked me questions, "Would you rather change gender every time you sneezed or only be able to smell like garbage for the rest of your life?"

"What kind of question is that?" I asked while laughing.

"A quality one. I wanna know if you rather smell or be a man."

"I guess I'd smell for the rest of my life because I could probably cover it up with perfume or something. Just dunk myself in a dunk tank of perfume."

I couldn't stop smiling whenever I was around Luke. He was so kind, and I was definitely catching some sort of feelings for him. He seemed to sort of like me but I wasn't sure. He was a huge rock star and I was the little depressed girl. Damn now my life really sounds like a horrible movie.

I noticed Luke had stopped walking a couple feet behind me. Luke's face had fallen.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you by any chance know where we are?"

My eyes widened, I had no idea where we were. I thought he remembered. I looked around us and it was basically trees.

"I thought you remembered" I sorta yelled freaking out a little bit.

"I thought I did too but I don't know if were going the right way!" He yelled back.

"Why don't you call someone or get like maps or something?"

Luke reached for his phone. He checked both his back pockets and his jacket pocket.

"It's not there!"

He smacked his forehead.

"It's on the stage. I took it out remember!"

"Why the hell did you take out your phone?!" I walked over to him hitting his shoulder.

"Because I didn't want it disturbing us!"

"Well is it disturbing us now?" I yelled anxiety getting the best of me.

"Well sorry," Luke exclaimed putting his hands up, "I wanted no interruptions when I was with you!"

I fell silent after that. My back was faced towards him and I sighed.

"I'm sorry," I spoke quietly. Tears were falling down my face.

I could hear his footsteps come closed and I hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

Luke lifted my chin, "Mave there's nothing to be sorry about. If we keep walking maybe we'll find a payphone or something. Everything will be okay."

He pulled me into his arms and held me for a little bit.

"C'mon let's go."


After a huge ass walk we finally actually found civilization again. We were at the train station, apparently we had walked really far. And now to think of it my legs are really sore.

I was really tired. We got to the train station at about 6am. I felt really bad for Luke though because we both knew what was going to come for him. He wasn't even supposed to leave the venue and he didn't bring his phone or told anyone where he was going.

As we got onto the train Luke grabbed my hand. I intertwined my fingers with his and he lead us to our seats. He let me take the window seat, as he shuffled in after me. He squeezed me hand, and gave me a small smile.

The last thing I remember is resting my head on his shoulder, and thinking about the boy who let me take my mind off of my shitty life.


Awkward endings for the win am I right?

Sorry I haven't updated work is just busy and blah

Luke's gonna get into some trouble so be excited

Unedited oops ily

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