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Are you ready to enter the world of darkness. It's not too late to turn back the page and stop reading. Darkness and sorrow will soon follow. The journeys about to get rough. Blood will be shed and hearts will be broken. This is the second phase the phase that will determine many regrets and decisions.

The tall dark man held onto Delicious's body tightly. His arms wrapped around the nape of her neck and her waist. The man made sure to tightly wrap his arms around her but made sure it wasn't too tight too hurt her. There was a dark look in his eyes as he looked at her darkly. It looked like he was possessed by something as he held her. His eyes kept on twitching and twinkling as he looked at her.  His eyes were stuck on Delicious like a cop guarding a criminal.

No matter how bumpy the car ride was or how long it was the man's gaze never stopped looking at Delicious. It seemed as if he was in love but yet he had only seen Delicious for a short period of time. Love was a crazy thing and affected everyone at different times.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" the mans phone rang loudly. The name Yoshun appeared on the screen in bright white letters as his phone vibrated. The man simply glanced at the phone than ignored it as the phone rang. The phone continued to ring causing the man to suck his teeth in annoyance. He grabbed the phone and put it on DND. He knew that the person who was calling him was going to continue to blow up his phone but he didn't care.

Delicious was slumped out cold. The man knocked her out because he didn't want his baby to see him get violent. Yes, Delicious was his baby and it was his job to protect her. Delicious's body was cold which was a side effect of him knocking her out but in a couple of hours, she would be up. Her eyes were wide opened but her eyeballs didn't move at all. Just lifeless. 

The man continued to hum as he held her. He even brought her cheek up to his mouth and started nibbling it. The man didn't care about any germs or sickness he just wanted to kiss his baby. Yes, Delicious was his baby and soon to be wife. The grabbed Delicious's hand and attached it to his hand. The man started to hum in her ear as he looked at her in tenderness. It was giving very scary the way man was holding her.

"We have arrived Mr.Zengwadi," the driver spoke through the microphone. The black SUV stopped at a 2 story mansion followed behind another black SUV infront of it and behind the car. A iron gate painted gold opened up and the 3 black cars followed inside the home. It was 2 story Mediterranean home with over 7 bedrooms and 5 1/2 bathrooms. There was a lake at the back that ran into the beach with a 60 foot yacht docked in the back. 

The house was illuminated with bright lights and there was a huge gazebo with a small pond infront of the home. This home screamed rich and fancy. Marble statues of naked women were all placed in the front yard. The parking space was so big that over 20 cars could park infront of the home. The trees were cut and trimmed in a uniform manner while the concrete driveway was so dark it made it hard to see where to go. Luckily there was lamps on the property guiding the driver to the home. The driver parked infront of the main door and opened the back passenger door for the the man to come out with Delicious.

The man hummed as he grabbed Delicious and walked into the house with her. Holding her lifeless body so tightly as if she was a fragile piece of glass. The man heard some talking inside the home and his ears perked up. He could hear the annoyance in the tone but it didn't scare him in the slightest bit. The man himself felt annoyed when he heard that those but looking at Delicious bought a smile to his face. 

The man went into his room and dropped Delicious gently down on his bed. Delicious groaned and continued to sleep. The smiled, he knew that eventually she would wake up and the sudden truth would hit her. His heart dropped because he knew that she wouldn't like him when she heard the truth but he was prepared for it. The man remove this cuff-link and walked downstairs.

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