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For 3 bloody fucking weeks, Delicious was stuck in this dirty ass room. It really wasn't dirty it was just an all-white room with no doors or windows, she was pretty sure it was a basement. It creeped Delicious out so much because each time she screamed the sound echoed back right at her. She felt like this room was dirty because it showed her what she really looked like underneath all the drugs she was doing.

The hardest thing Delicious had to hold onto was her sanity. She swore she was seeing things and hearing voices everywhere. She saw her father, Kris, Mama D and other people she disliked were all in the room with her. They were all tormenting her and laughing at her because she was on drugs. It was like she was losing her mind in that room, everything she tried to cover up with using the drugs came back to haunt her.

All she wanted to do was leave this place and find some drugs to do but no matter how many times she tried to look for an exit she couldn't find one. Amir told her that it was some new technology that he had installed in the house that he could only use, which made Delicious feel even worse about herself because she really couldn't leave.

"Leave me alone!" Delicious cried as she tried to rock herself to sleep.

Delicious couldn't remember how many times she woke up with sweat all over her body or fainting from the agony that she felt. It was a weird craving, it was like something deep down inside of her body as begging her to find some drugs and use it. It was so bad that Delicious almost ripped all her fingernails off because the pain so was intense but luckily Amir came in on time and stopped her. Delicious tried to look at her hands but she couldn't because they were tied behind her back. Amir was so angry that he punched a hole in one of the walls and yelled at her for hours on end.

Delicious's mind and body were going crazy from being in this damn room for so damn long. It was so quiet in the room that she felt like she could hear her own thoughts too loudly. She tried to move her arms and legs but she couldn't because they were locked in a straitjacket. Delicious was stuck in this damn thing ever since she tried to rip off her nails. She only was allowed out when she had to use the bathroom and had to take a shower.

The white straitjacket was so tight that Delicious found it hard to breathe sometimes. She hated being in here and all she wanted to do was run far away from her. This was one of the few instances that made Delicious scared because she saw things that she hid from her past replay right in front of her. It was a horrible dream that she wanted to escape from.

A small sniffle escaped from Delicious's nose as a small tear from her eye. She felt really sad it was almost as if she was depressed. She didn't want to eat nor did she speak for the first few days when she entered this room. She felt so empty and dead on the inside and it showed. Sometimes she would stare at the blank wall and hoped a shooter came from behind the wall and ended her misery. There was too much on her heart right now that she didn't have time to deal with.

One of the walls lifted up and Amir walked in with a huge plate of food in his hand. Delicious growled when she saw him, all she wanted to do was punch him in the face. If it wasn't for his meddling then none of this would have happened? Delicious laid down on the bed and closed her eyes. This man kidnapped her and left her in this small ass room.

Amir saw her facial expression and smiled. He got accustomed to her glaring at him. For the first few days, he looked at her in sadness but now he was happy she was in that damn straitjacket and in a secure place. It was better to address the issue early than late. He was doing this to help her not harm her, sooner or later these issues would have to be addressed.

"I bought you some food!" Amir said softly. He knew that she wanted to eat because she did not eat breakfast this morning at all.

Delicious rolled her eyes and looked at the man in front of her. Amir smiled and sat on the floor next to her. He rubbed her hair and itched her back which caused Delicious to roll her eyes behind her head. She had to admit that it made her feel good, now she knew how dogs felt like when they were being itched on their bellies. Being in that damn suit was too much for Delicious if she had an itch had to wade it out because she couldn't itch or touch it at all.

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