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"Sweetheart are you up?" a gentle woman's voice stated softly. Delicious groggily lifted up her head as she moaned in displeasure. Using her left hand to touch her forehead, Delicious sat up with a confused look on her face. Where in the world was she? In a split second the events of Amir pulling her out of the tub, their argument, and the golden book appeared. Finally, realizing that she back in the bathroom, Delicious frowned and rolled her eyes.

The warm book was lodged in between her fingers which Delicious softly removed her fingers and placed them on the cold floor. Delicious covered her face and cursed to herself in anger. Turning to her right, Delicious noticed a group of feet next to her about 40 feet away from her. Lifting her head, Delicious saw a group of maids holding clothing and accessories in there hands. All the maids had long crème dresses that covered their heads, arms, and legs. There was no visible part of their body expect their face and hands. Their dress was embroiled with starts as sashes wrapped around their thick waist. The maroon head wrapped seemed to be detached from the dress and added onto the dress. The long arms on the dress swooped down to the floor asking it to lay on the floor. 

It was about 10 maids and they all were looking at Delicious curiously

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It was about 10 maids and they all were looking at Delicious curiously. Delicious was taken a back and also looked at the maids curiously. They had no face or any identifiable features they all looked like twins. They all seemed to be wearing a mask but Delicious could distinguish that they were all black women. There seemed to be a hierarchy between the maids because one maid was in the fore front with a white head wrap compared to the maids with the maroon head wrap.

The maid with the white head wrap snapped her fingers and all the other maids behind her took 10 steps back leaving her in front. Delicious squinted her eyes and raised her hand and replied seriously," Who the fuck are you?"

The maid put her hand over her chest as if she was offended than laughed before saying," No need to be afraid. We were sent here by the high mistress to invite you to breakfast."

"And who the fuck is the high mistress and why the fuck does she want me to have breakfast with me?" Delicious replied in a gruff tone. The maid hummed before saying quickly," You are in her house? Is it not common courtesy for a guest of someone's house to not greet them."

"What do you mean in her house? Hold up so this is not Amir's house," Delicious questioned as she stood and walked closer to the head maid. The maid did not flinch but instead frowned and hummed again.

"No ma'am this is not Amir's home this is his mother's home," the maid replied to Delicious's question. This caused Delicious's face to scrunch up in confusion. Rubbing the temples of her forehead, Delicious grunted and shook her head in annoyance. So this was Amir's mom's home. 

"What the fuck," Delicious thought to herself. The maid saw Delicious's confused expression and stated," We have no time for you to gather your thoughts ma'am. We need you to be ready in 30 minutes breakfast is at 8 sharply!"

The maid snapped her fingers and all the maids walked towards Delicious and bowed," Morning Ms," all the maids said in unison as they bowed. 

"What the fuck" Delicious muttered to herself as she scrunched up her face.

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