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It seemed as if the whole world had gone silent. Almost too silent. The crickets chirped loudly outside in the trees. Rain started to pour gently onto the trees and into the soil making it moist. The soil was now wet and mushy as the plants below were covered in water. The rain carried a strong scent of musk as it passed over the large mansion. All of the lights were out and there seemed to be no sudden movement from the inside. No sound coming from the outside but on the outside nature was alive. 

The dark sky was pitch black with no stars in the sky or moon to illuminate it. The wind started to pick up and howled as it blew east. It started rattling the trees causing some of the crickets to fall out. The crickets chirped as their body fell onto the moistened ground. The tiny crickets ran into the bushes afraid of being picked up again by the wind.

On top of a red maple a tree, a brownish owl with grey spots ruffled its feathers as it looked at the home. Opening its wings, the owl hooted deeply into the tress causing an ominous feeling to form. All the animals around it shivered and stayed silent as they heard the hoot. The owls deep yellow eyes glowed as its body shook as it continued to hoot as the rain started to pour down harder.



Yoshun quickly sat up in bed and put his hand over his chest. A sharp hoot woke up him as he slept. He felt like he could hear it directly in his ear. Yoshun felt a dark and uncomfortable feeling creep around him. A sheet of sweat covered his body causing Yoshun to jump out of bed. Yoshun put his hand over his chest and felt his heart thumping through his body. His heart thumped so loud, Yoshun could hear it in his ears. It felt like his whole body was shaking as he tried to calm himself down.


Yoshun heard that noise again and his heart dropped. Shuffling his feet Yoshun walked towards the window. For some odd reason, the window was open. A sharp wind blew inside of the room causing a chill to crawl down his spine. Yoshun took a deep breathe and walked towards the window. He clearly remembered closing the window but yet it was open. Yoshun's heart dropped again causing him to frown.

Yoshun was about to pull the latch down to close the window but a sharp hoot stopped him. Sticking his head down and putting it through the window, Yoshun saw the owl glare at him sharply in the trees. The owl's eyes did not break eye contact with Yoshun as it glared at him. Yoshun looked right back at the owl with a fierce gaze. Yoshun felt like the owl was looking down at him as he looked at him.

The owl shuffled its feathers and expanded its wing span. Each wing seemed to be over 8 feet wide and 3 feet tall, for such a small bird its wing span was huge. Lowering its head, the owl picked up some speed and flew gracefully towards the window. Yoshun watched the bird and squinted his eyes. In his culture, the owl signified death and hellfire. As a child, Yoshun learned to avoid owls and never let it touch you or else death would follow. But this animal scared him, something about this bird was telling him to run yet he could tell that it was not here to harm him.

The owl landed infront of Yoshun but did not raise its wings. The small owl gave Yoshun a deep glare and squinted its eyes. It lowered its head and started to twist its head in a 360 direction. Yoshun stared at the bird weirdly and backed up. The bird screeched," Hoot!"

The owl than perched itself on the window and came inside of the window and looked at Yoshun sharply. Yoshun backed up and looked at the owl strangely and shouted," Get out off here!"

The owl twisted its neck and flew into Yoshun's bed. It seemed as if this animal was not going to leave and was making it's home his room. Yoshun sighed and closed the window. He quickly rubbed his face and wiped his eyes. He had no clue why this bird was in his room or was even around him? The bird glared at Yoshun and walked on his bed and hopped onto his shelf and than closed its eyes. Yoshun was in a panic the whole time. He had no clue where this bird came from at all.

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