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A/N: This is set in the future, during their 2013 concert tour. I'm not sure where I'm going to go with this, but hopefully it'll be somewhere great. Thank you so much for starting to read this. ♥

(Niall's POV) 

June 11, 2013

After about two months of rest, we were finally heading back to the lovely United States to kick off another amazing part of our tour. I couldn't be more syked. It's such an honor to still be loved by the fans. Plus, these four idiots I'm boarding the plane with now are my best lads.

"Niall, stop stuffing your face and hop on the plane, mate." demanded Liam.

I shook my head, thinking that he should know me better by now. "Okay, Daddy Direction." I responded, calling him by the nickname he is so often called. 

"Last call for Flight 167 to Sunrise, FL. Please make your way to the gate." We all heard over the intercom. I watched as Liam, Louis, and Zayn hugged their girlfriends and whispered sweet goodbyes in their ear. Harry seemed perfectly content with his single status, but I, on the other hand, wasn't okay with mine. 

I've spent so long searching for someone special. I don't want to date around. Life is more important than that to me, I want a relationship that can last, like Louis, Liam, and Zayn. Why can't I have that? Am I not good enough or something? With that thought, I got knocked out of whatever trance I was in by Harry, who informed me of the hot hostess on the plane. I faked a smile and winked, boarded the plane, and went back to my thoughts.

I grabbed my iPhone, which has a bunch of my favorite songs and began to scroll through them until I found one that fit my mood. 

"Did you know that I loved you or were you not aware? You're the smile on my face and I ain't going nowhere. I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile. I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while..."

I jolted awake because someone's hand was on my shoulder. "Nialler, wake up, we're landing soon!" Louis whisper-yelled. I start rubbing my eyes, stretching and as I finally open my eyes, I see the brightest light and let out a groan.

"Niall, mate, you alright?" Liam asked, out of instict. 

"Light. Too bright." I managed to mumble. My ears pick up chuckles. 

I decide to finally get myself our of the plane seat and make my way to the bathroom when I see that Zayn is still sleeping. Louis looks at me and we nod at the same time. We were both thinking the same thing: PRANK TIME. 

I walked across to where Zayn lay sleeping and got right up into his face, while Lou began to shake him little by little. When his eyes shot open and he saw me, he let out a hellacious scream and everyone else on the plane broke out into laughter. Louis and I gave eachother victory high-5's and went out seperate ways.

The plane had finally landed and I was preparing myself for all the fans that would bombard us when we leave the airport. We had tried to keep the flight and airport we were arriving at secret, but these Directioners, man.....they can find out anything. I loved the fans, but they could get a little crazy at times.

I went into the airport and immediately heard screams and "I love you so much's"! Me and the boys tried to squeeze in a few hello's and some pictures and I made sure to watch my language because everyone knows what happened last year. . . 

I begin to walk away from the fans when I hear a shrieking yell, "KIALL exists!" At first, I was like, what does that even mean? My insticts told me not to turn around, but I HAD to figure out what it meant. 

I catch the eye of a beautiful girl. She looks around 18 and has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Her freckles comlpliment her fair complexion and she has the most mesmerizing smile. This girl literally has me in a trance. I see her poster:



I smile at her, watching her freeze in her motions. I need to remember the name: Krystal. Krystal. Krystal. Quickly turning, I grabbed my luggage and quietly hoped that I would see her at the meet and greet tomorrow.

This could be the start of an AMAZING summer. I felt something special in the 15 seconds I had caught Krystal's eye. She may be a crazy fangirl for all I know, but there's something more and I just know it. I'm ready for the challenge.

A/N: The amazing Krystal is on the sidebar, along with the JB song, "Fall." I hope you enjoyed the prologue. More to come soon. ♥♥


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