Chapter 3: We're All Alright

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A/N: Again, there will be a lot of POV switches throughout this chapter. Pay attention so it doesn't get too confusing. ♥ :)


June 14, 2013 

(Concert at American Airlines Arena in Miami, FL)

(Krystal's POV)

I sat in the hotel room, staring up at the ceiling. How could I have missed Niall's text? Why didn't I think before I didn't charge my phone? I feel like such a horrible person, but I don't know if I want to text him this morning or not. What if he hates me? I know that I would hate me.

"Krystal?" I hear a whisper. "Why are you up so early?" Oh, it was Danielle. She must have heard me get up. Curse her motherly instincts, I just wanted to be alone right now. Truth is, I haven't been asleep. It's 7 am and the only wink of sleep I have gotten is the 45 minute drive from Sunrise to here.

"I just had the urge to wake up early, I guess." I say, the words sort of blending into one. As tired as I was, Danielle seemed to brush the subject away llike I was acting perfectly normal. 

"Oh, well, fix yourself some coffee and watch TV, I'm going back to sleep for a couple hours. I'm exhausted." She said with a yawn. I really wanted to tell her what had happened and that I have Niall's number, but I can't bring myself to do it just yet.

After fixing some coffee to wake me up and eating some cold cereal for breakfast, I decided to suck it up and text him. 

Hey Nialler! I'm so sorry I missed your text last night, my phone was dead. I had a great time last night, excited for 2nite, too! ♥

Did I really send a heart in a text to Niall Horan? Holy fudgeballs. I am regretting this. He won't be up anyways, he always sleeps late. That's just what I hear. I doubt he was worrying about me, I mean, he has so many other, more popular girls to talk to. I'm just me.

(Liam's POV)




"Ugh, what is that horrid sound?" I mumble, walking out of my room toward the living room table in the suite where I heard the sound coming from. As I suspected, it was Niall's phone. He's always leaving it somewhere random.

I pick it up and look at it, knowing it was an invasion of privacy, but silently cursing him because it had woken me up at 7:30 am. I look at the name on the screen and my expression drops. Krystal. As in the one that we hung out with? What is he getting himself into?

I mentally slap myself for living up to the nickname, "Daddy Direction." I just can't help it, though. I knew something was up with him. Why didn't I catch onto this sooner? I wonder if there's like a relationship there or something? I don't want to read the text because that'll just send more questions through my mind. For everyone's sake, I just set the phone down and go back to sleep.

(Krystal's POV)

I woke up to the smell of fresh bacon, knowing that I had fallen asleep again. I seriously need to work on my sleeping schedule. It's always been out of wack. Once it hits me that I could have missed another text from Niall, I jump up and run for my dresser only to be dissappointed. There was not text, but at least that meant that I hadn't missed anything.

I walk into the mini-kitchen that this hotel had and see Lorissa struggling to open the orange juice. I laugh at her and grab the jug. "Here you go, genius." I say, opening it with ease and watching her eyes roll. I loved to mess with her. 

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