Chapter 4: Frosty Adventures

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A/N: This is a strictly Kiall chapter. Which means, it'll push the PG-13 rating a little bit, but this is where their relationship begins. All the sexual tension is resolved and such. So, enjoy. :)


June 15, 2013 (Day Off)

(Niall's POV)

I was asleep the whole flight, so when we landed, I was more than well rested. Seeing as it was only like 3 am, though, I had to get some more sleep. When we arrived at the hotel, the other boys were exhausted and couldn't wait to get some shut eye, but I knew it'd be difficult for me to get to sleep again.

As I suspected, I was "haunted" by thoughts of Krystal. Not really haunted because I loved thinking about her more than anything. The more I laid and thought about her, the more I realized how much I was beginning to like the girl. I was inspired to write a song for her....

"You say you love me, you say you care,  but when you look into my eyes I see and feel something more. I see your soul and you see mine. I feel your love, love words can't describe. You are the one, the one I'll always love and the one that will always care......"    

I sing through the chorus one last time, as silently as possible so I wouldn't wake the other boys. I glance at the clock and my mouth hangs open at the time. How could it already be 9 o'clock in the morning? I had been writing for more than 6 hours and hadn't even stopped for food. What was this girl doing to me?

"Hey, bud, what you singing?" I jump out of my skin when I hear Louis' voice behind me. 

"Oh, nothing really. I just couldn't really sleep last night, so I stayed up writing a song." I mentally curse myself for answering so quickly. It almost seemed scripted and I knew one of the lads would catch on sooner or later.

"Let's have a look see." Lou said, grabbing my song book. After a minute or two, he sets down the book and immediately asks, "Who's the girl, Nialler?"

(Krystal's POV)

I had gently waken up this morning. It wasn't the fact that I had been on a plane for 4 hours, either. I was actually content with my life. Niall Horan had made me the happiest girl in the world by texting me a measley 5 or 6 times. Did that sound a bit too absurd?

"Morning, ladies!" I yell when I got into the kitchen, finding Lorissa struggling with the orange juice again. Would this girl ever learn? Grabbing it away from her, my hands easily twist the top off, earning a groan and eye-rolling from Lorissa.

"Show off! What's got you so chipper this morning?" Lorissa asks, definitely a bit suspicious. I hope I haven't given myself away. 

"Nothing really, just woke up on the right side of the bed, I guess." Giving a lame excuse, hoping it surpasses the conversation. "So, mama, what we have planned for today?"

"Actually, that's what I need to talk to you about. Roy's actually coming to visit today and I thought it'd be the perfect time since the boys are off today and everything." Danielle states, a mile-wide smile forming on her face. Could I even begin to mention how perfect this would be?

"Oh, we'll make sure to give you two your privacy, then!" Lorissa jumps in. "I have plans with some friends that I know from over here in Kentucky anyways. I may stay the night over at one of their houses anyways." 

"I have some plans, too. Nothing major, but at least I won't have to make excuses for getting out of any of the plans you had made." I had to be truthful with mama. She didn't deserve to ever be lied to.

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