Chapter 2: The Beginning of it All

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A/N: In this chapter, I'm going to switch POV's between Krystal, Niall, and Danielle quite a bit. Just be watching for who's talking or it could get confusing. Again, thank you all for reading! ♥

June 13, 2013

(Krystal's POV)

When I woke up today, I could not stop smiling. Everything that had happened these past few weeks had been amazing and then yesterday came along. I just can't deal with all this at once. If Danielle and Lorissa weren't here with me, I would have already killed over and people would be burying me in the ground right about now. 

As if on cue, Danielle walks into the kitchen. "Hey, babe! How'd you sleep last night? You went to bed pretty early." She said, surprise trailing the comment.

I couldn't help but to smirk and reply with, "I actually slept great, thank you very much. We have a big day ahead of us today, I needed sleep."

"Big DAY?" Lorissa said, joining the conversation, uninvited. "We have the whole freaking summer ahead of us. Today is just the beginning." We all three looked at eachother, just preparing ourselves for the months ahead. There is nothing that could ruin the feeling in this room right now.

Mama made coffee for us, seeing as it was only 10 am. The meet and greet didn't really start until about 4 pm, then soundcheck around 6, and the concert at about 8. We had a while to wait, but we were going to spend it getting ourselves all primped up and ready. You don't look like a bus ran over you if you have meet and greet, soundcheck, and floor seats. That's just not acceptable.

We talk about the plans for today. Well, rather we talked about what Danielle has planned for the day and then we go off in different places and start getting ready. Mama has planned for us to have a mani-pedi around 2, which means we have about 3 and 1/2 hours to look perfect for the boys. Like that was even possible....

(Niall's POV)

I had some trouble falling asleep last night, which is a very rare occurence for me. I had too much on my mind. This girl, Krystal........she's so interesting. Have I mentioned how much I love her freckles? Oh, and the way she smiles is so attention-grabbing. Most of all, though, I like the way she was able to keep her calm around me. She wasn't too fan-girly and that's exactly what I want.

"Niall! Are you up, man? We were thinking about ordering some room service for lunch!" I hear Zayn shout from the lounging room in our suite. I immediatley shoot up out of bed and throw on some random shirt I see.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm here. Did you say lunch? What time is it?" I walk into the room. I had missed a meal. That just wasn't really like me. My mind is really messed up right now.

"It's noon, lad. We were surprised you slept through the breakfast that Harry made us." Zayn says, a worried look on his face.

"I was just really tired, ya know. Getting used to the time difference and all that." I lie, hoping all the boys just move on from the subject. Before they have any time to ask questions, I jump in, "I'm really feeling up for a cheeseburger or something. Some fries, too. Maybe we should all just go to the nearest McDonald's."

I watch as all the guys break into a fit of laughter. "Niall, we've only been in America for about 2 days and you're already eating like one." chuckled Liam. 

"Oh, shut up! Maybe I'll just go and pick up some food for all of us. I remember seeing a McDonald's just down the street. That way we won't be mobbed or anything." I say, volunteering because I needed some air and alone time to think about things.

"You sure, mate? One of us could go with you." Offered Harry, trying to be of  help. If he only understood....

"Yeah. I'm positive. I'm gonna go throw some jogging pants on, maybe still one of your beanies, if that's okay Hazza. I'll try to stay as undercover as possible." I smile and cringe at the thought of getting mobbed in NYC with Liam last year. That was one dreadful experience. "Just get a list of what everyone wants and I'll be happy to go, accompanied by Paul, of course. I'm not taking a chance at getting mobbed again."

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