Chapter 22: "Dreams"

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A/N: This mostly centers around Krystal because we needed a chapter to know how she's feeling. Enjoy! xx

July 2, 2013

Day Off (Orginially: Concert at Izod Center in East Rutherford, NJ)

(Niall's POV)

I felt bad for being the reason that we had to reschedule the concert, but it was good that I had another day to get used to these damn crutches. "These are so uncomfortable, how do people even deal with these..?" I asked, hearing Krystal laugh.

"Jesus, do you have any more complaints? Should I make a form for you to write them all down on?" She remarked sarcastically.

"Alright, no need to be a smart ass." I said, secretly loving it, but she could never know that.

Her smile lit up my whole entire world. It was Krystal that got me out of the coma. She was actually more than half the reason I was alive right now. "I'm sorry, just a reflex." She answered as we got on the elevator on the way to my hotel room. I was still having trouble with the crutches and I'm guessing it was quite comical because she couldn't stop laughing.

"Hey, you try to walk on these crutches and we'll see who's laughing."

"Just shut up and let's get to the hotel room so you can rest for a while."

She was right, I felt pretty out of it do to the drugs they had given me and I didn't really know what to do. When I looked at her, she must have read my mind, "We're going to sit down and watch movies all day until we have to leave for New Jersey. Come on." Krystal was always on top of things and if I wasn't drugged right now, I'm pretty sure one of them would be me.

(Krystal's POV)

I was just really happy to have Niall back, even if he fell asleep the minute he sat down on the couch. The minute I realized I could have lost him, my whole world was shattered.

I had a dream the night before I woke up in the hospital; a dream that I would tell no one about. It was one of the scariest things I've ever dreamed about. At least, I hope it was a dream.....

*Flashback (Dream)*

'What happened? Where am I?' That's all I was thinking as I walked down the hallway, trying to reach a light that seemed to move farther and farther away from me. My mind was like a puzzle; I couldn't remember anything that had happened. 

"Krystal..." My body instinctively turned around in response to my name being whispered. I was expecting to see Danielle or Lorissa, in hopes of them explaining what was happening, but it surely wasn't either of them.

"Grandma...? Is that really you?" Tears started to form in my eyes, my grandma had died in a car crash about six or seven years ago. That's when it all became a bit clearer; I had been in a crash, with Niall, in a taxi. "Where am I...?"

She just smiled at me, stroked my cheek, and replied, "Technically, you're in a coma. It's your choice to come out of it and be in pain or to rest in peace. I'm here to show you what it'd be like for the people that love you and that you love if you were no longer there. Take my hand." Without a second thought, I grabbed her hand and we were "transported" into a near future, I guess.

I first see my mom and step-dad in our house back in that rugged county in Virginia. My mom begins, "How could this happen? She was such a perfect daughter and I never told her how much I loved her. I feel like this is my fault." Tears started rolling down her cheek as if a barrier had broke inside of her.

"Listen, it's not your fault. I know Krystal and I didn't have the greatest relationship, if even any relationship at all, but she meant a lot to me. It's not either of our faults that a fucking drunk driver came out of nowhere and took her away." Those words meant a lot, but coming from a step-dad that I honestly hadn't really liked since he was introduced to me, they meant more than I could ever know.

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