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You'll hit me up when you make it
You'll try and come back when you're famous
I always want the truth but it's dangerous
                        ~ Drake

Aaliyah's Pov

I was laying in bed and scrolling on instagram when I saw I got a dm from Denzel.

roywoods: Hey Aaliyah, I haven't heard from you in a while. How are you?

I clicked into it and smiled. I haven't spoke. To him in years! I honestly thought he forgot about me.

aaliyahbrielle: Hey, I've been fine. Busy being a mom; you?

"Mommy, I'm hungry". Londyn said as she made a sad face.

I rubbed her belly and returned the sad face. "Hey hungry, I'm mommy nice to meet you". I said being sarcastic.

She smacked her lips and folded her arms. "I'm gonna tell my daddy on you". She got up and ran out the room.

I laughed and shook my head. "Threatening me like he gone do something". I said as I pulled my phone back out.

roywoods: same ole same ole. Music Touring and concerts :/ hows the kids been?

aaliyahbrielle: they're fine. Big and bad lol

roywoods: haha. Maybe one day we can have lunch? You can even bring the kids.

I bit my cheek and began to think if that was a good idea. Nothing but a friendly dinner date right?

aaliyahbrielle: uhhh yea sure.

roywoods: okay great. Tomorrow fine?

Damn boy. Gave me a day to think about this.

aaliyahbrielle: i live in Florida just a FYI lol.

roywoods: that's fine. I'm staying in a hotel so I'll send you the information tomorrow. But is 3 fine? You can show me around your city

aaliyahbrielle: yeah that's fine. See you tomorrow.

I sat the phone down and got up off the bed. I walked into the hallway and heard Londyn talking to Ken.

"So then daddy she says "hi hungry I'm mommy nice to meet you".

"No she didn't. Want me to get ha?". He asked.

I looked over the railing and saw her nod her head.

"Aaliyah! Get yo ass in hea' now". He said trying to seem mad in front of Londyn.

I smiled and laughed. "What did I tell you about your mouth in front of the kids? What you want".

"You told ma'  daughta' I'm mommy nice to meet you?".

Londyn sat in his lap and crossed her arms as she looked up at me.

"I sure did why?".

"Ooooohh daddy. She got smart with you". Londyn said with her mouth opened in shock.

"I know baby. She gone get it".

"I never get smart with you huh daddy".

He shook his head. "No and you bet not neva. Get down hea' so I can whoop you. Lonny go get ma' belt". Kentrell said. When he told ha' that she darted up the stairs.

When she reached the top she stuck her tongue out at me. So I did the same and wobbled myself downstairs.

Kentrell wrapped me in a hug and kissed my cheek. "Just play along baybeh". He said.

I chuckled and nodded. When I heard Lonny running back downstairs I backed away from him and put my head down.

"Now come hea".

I walked closer to him and looked at him.

He lifted the belt up and before he could hit me Londyn stopped him.

"Daddy don't hurt the baby. Whoop her booty not tummy".

She said. He nodded and told me to turn around. I did and he tapped my butt softly about 3 times.

"Now apologize to Lonny".

I tried to hold back my laugh. "I'm so- ". Is what I got out before Camron came down the stairs.

"You was hitting my mommy?". He said as he stood in front of me.

Kentrell nodded his head. "Yeah I was. She hurt my baby feelings".

"Well if you try to hit her again you gotta go through me first you hear me mister?".

I smiled at this moment. Here Londyn is trying to get me in trouble by her daddy and my son comes and protects me. This is the one of be cutest things I've ever seen.

"Mommy he hurt you?". Camron asked as he turned around to look at me.

I acted as if I was crying and wiped my eyes. "Yes".

He tuned back around and he was angry. "You both apologize to her. Don't ever hit her again".

Londyn rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry mommy". She said with an attitude.

Kentrell didn't say anything though.

"Daddy your turn".

"I'm sorry Aaliyah".

"For what".

Kentrell rolled his eyes. "For hitting you". He said.

Camron wrapped me in a hug. "Mommy tell me if they hurt you again okay?".

I smiled and nodded my head.

We were sitting in the backyard watching the kids swim. Me and Ken were sitting in the beach chairs leaned back sipping on some ice cold water.

"Is hot as da' fuck out hea". He said.

I laughed. "Hell yeah. Hey babe I need to talk to you about somethin".

He looked over at me.

"Denzel DM'd me today and he wants to take me and the kids out for lunch tomorrow".

He scrunched up. "Well what he say afta' you told em' no?".

I put my head down. This man knows that I did not say no to him. Not because I didn't want to but because I just couldn't. I wasn't going to be rude to someone who I looked at as my friend at one point in time.

"I wouldn't know because I didn't tell him no. We're leaving at 2".

"Nah, none of dat' you and ma' kids ain't goin no whea". He said as he stood up.

"Where you going? And why you acting like that? I'm married to you, I don't want him anymore".

"Aaliyah I'm not worried bout you, it's his ass I gotta look out fa".

I sighed. "Kentrell, when I stood in that bathroom of ours and said I do, I meant that shit. I am not leaving you, I can't do it. You need to trust me".

"Man, look you not goin no whea', end of discussion". He said before he walked inside of the house. I shook my head and looked back out at the kids who were enjoying themselves in the pool.

"Alright come on, dinner time". I said as I stood up.

Who side you picking? Aaliyah or Youngboy's?
Y'all think Aaliyah wrong for even going out with Denzel?

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