
635 16 1

31 May Year 22

I reflexively turned my gaze away from the breathtaking wind. After dancing for a long time, I was often short of breath, but this wasn't the same context. I thought that I was similar to my mother. No, that was neither thought nor perception, and it wasn't something that could be explained or described. I couldn't look at the face of a friend I had known for more than 10 years. We had learned dance together and failed together and been frustrated and gained strength when we had slumped to the floor covered in sweat and had thrown towels to each other and cracked jokes. It felt like bothering a sensation that I hadn't felt once in that entire time, and I stood hurriedly up from the floor. As soon as I reached the corner, I leaned my back against the wall and stood there.

I tried to calm my unsettled breathing, but I heard the sound of someone saying, "Where are you going, Hoseok-ah?" a voice. I thought that it could have been a voice. A voice that called me "Hoseok-ah." A voice I couldn't recall now, that called back to the time when I was seven.

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