Chapter 13

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"Yes Mishra! No. Yes. Not until next month. Yes. Okay!" He ended the call. Looking up his eyes reached the most beautiful destination -her. Tia had called him to see certain wedding attires and help her out. He had zero interest, but knowing Anika would be around his heart pulled him there.

His breath hitched as his gaze cascaded down her back. She was wearing on a sheer backless blouse paired with a white Indian Skirt- Lehenga. He gulped. His gaze climbed slowly back up, and that's when she turned. Her gaze falling on his. She clutched the side of her skirt, eyes looking down and color rising up. Oh God! She was uncomfortable! He quickly looked away, cursing himself for being such a jerk. She looked up when she saw him turn. Tia was saying something to her mother, about the dress. She turned back to Shivaay. "Baby could you please turn and see this one, what do you think?" 

"I have an important call to attend. You finalize!" He walked out witgout glancing back. Anika felt something in her heart she could not describe. He cared!

"Tia, why was Anika trying on the dresses? " he asked her later in the day. 

"Oh, baby the model she had called for didn't turn up! So she filled in. Sweet isn't she. Anyways don't worry I'll make sure she is paid a little extra for that. Baby, I 'll see you at night!" She quickly bent over his shoulder and blew a kiss in air and disappeared. 

He did not like it a bit. Why was Tia treating Anika like that? His thoughts went back to the previous day. The kiss. Their first ever kiss. Well, his first with her at least. He had never felt that way before as he felt when her lips were against his. His heartbeats began speeding up when he saw her look at him. Was it normal? He was so lost he did not realise when Tia had left and he stood rooted to the spot.

Omkara and Rudra came along and stood staring at their brother who was clearly lost. 

Rudra munching nutribar , " Do you think Bhaiya is already waiting for the moon? "

Omkara clearly surprised, "Shivaay is fasting?"

"Of course for Lady Baba, I mean Tia. " he corrected quickly glancing around, hoping his Choti Maa, Shivaay's mother Pinky,  wasn't around. She would smack him every time she heard him address Tia as Lady Baba. "It's Karwa-Chauth!" 

"Oh God, what has happened to our brother. Can't believe a man as practical as him would give in to fasting ritual. How can fasting possibly increase the lifetime of your better half?" Omkara threw his hands in the air , exasperated at the belief system.

"Exactly what Bhaiya said to Daadi! Then Daadi told him something and he changed his mind. " Rudra grinned.

Omkara looked at him bewildered. What was with that grin?" What did she say?" Om asked curious now.

"Umm..I don't she was saying something about love and soulmate and mind and so on. I had to catch up with Love Angel's show so I was with headphones on!" 

Om smacked his head. "Good for nothing!" 

"You 'll know when your time comes O!" Rudra said cheekily.

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